Chap. 2- Please stop

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"Oh my god."

I sit in StarBucks, and I had found a few of my classmates there. They're trying to get me to tell who I'm dating.

"You're 25, this is your second to last month of school ever. You mostly play music but you're here for your bachelor of Architecture. We know every thing. Except who you're dating. Just tell us, Ash," Cassidy says.

Oh yeah.

I have no friends that go to the same college as me.

"No," I say. They're hard clique. They're gonna hate me if I tell them that I'm dating Josh.

But everyone has haters, a voice in my head says. You just need to get over it. Not everyone will love you, but there will be the select few that do.

I sigh. I pull out my phone and post on Twitter, "I'm dating Joshua William Dun."

Cassidy whips out her phone. She stares at it, scrolling through her Twitter feed. She stops. "Kat! Kaaaaat! KAT!" She says, trying to get her queen's attention.

"She's... you're... you IDIOT!" Kat screams. The people at StarBucks turn to look at us.

Oh no, I think. Here we go. I pull Josh's sweatshirt's hood over my head. But it's yanked back, and the yank makes me stand up.

"Get. Away. From. Josh." Kat says through gritted teeth. She balls a hand into a fist and draws it back, holding the collar of the sweatshirt in her other hand. Using my super speedy reflexes, I smack her and run out StarBucks. Josh's house is right across the street, so I throw open the door and slam it shut, making Josh run down the stairs in the process.

"What?" He asks.

"Kat... fight... you..." I pant.

"Okay, take a deep breath. Good. Now, tell me what happened."

"This girl, Kat, is hard clique and is obsessed with you, I don't blame her, and she found out I'm dating you, so she tried to punch me but I ran away."

Josh sighs and sits next to me on the couch. "People do crazy things."

We sit there, and I lay my head in his lap. I stare at him. Then I get an idea.

"Hey. You wanna meet Kelsie?" I ask him.

"Sure, I bet she'd like to meet me," Josh laughs.

I shoot her a text saying to meet us at Taco Bell in 10.

This is going to be interesting to see how she reacts.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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