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  There are some terrible people out in the world. Murderers, rapists, terrorists, I can't even begin to name them all. Often, we look at them and we see something horrible. They are so completely different from the rest of us because of their terrifying acts, at least that is what we like to say to ourselves. From personal experience, I can assure you that these people aren't much different from us at all. Humans like to look at themselves through rose tinted lens. Oh no, there is no way we can ever be like society's villains-but we can. We see ourselves inside those people. At this point, humans have become great masters of deception. Inside each and every one of us is something horrible, deadly, and frightening but we don't let anyone see it. These masks we have created, masks that hid our greed, hatred, and anger, are especially well crafted. You and I have monsters inside of us, but the monsters can only stay hidden away for so long. Soon enough, they will appear. They always have and they always will because we can't ever truly escape ourselves.

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