Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

 (Marcus' Phantom----->)

  I had sat there through lunch as his Angelic voice caressed over me as he explained his morning to Bethany. Every sweet word sent a delicious shot of heat right to my cock. I found it cute that he avoided looking directly into my eyes, like it unnerved him, much to my obvious delight. But I hoped it was in a good way. Adding my two cents to the conversation, I asked him another question about his creative team. He told me about their idea gathering and how Mr. White approved them.

  That pretentious prick, if he didn't produce half way decent graphics on a timely basis I would have no qualms about firing him. Then this Angel called me "Sir" again and my dick went from semi hard to achingly erect almost instantly. Damn, I mentally shook my head. What is it about this young man that set my blood to boiling with the need to shove my dick into any of his available orifices, anywhere as long as it was on his body?

 I groaned under my breath as I watched the prongs of his fork slide through those pretty pink lips. Watching him in fascination as he took a sip of his beverage and his little pink tongue darted out to lick moisture from his plump bottom lip." Fuck me, that mouth."

  Bethany cleared her throat and Corey excused himself to go to the washroom. I almost smiled at this, like a predator stalking its prey I decided to give chase. I waved the waitress over and took care of the bill. I told Bethany to call for the car and that I was going to wash my hands.

 When I reached the men's room I opened the door and he was standing with his back towards me waving his hands under the dryer like a little kid. For some reason I found this adorable. I bent forward checking for feet under the stall doors. He was alone in here, perfect! I flipped the lock on the door for privacy. Walking over I towered over his slight frame just as the dryer shut off. He turned on his heels and collided right into my chest. The contact flashed a wave of delicious desire through my veins. And my cock twitched behind my zipper.

  With a helpless growl, I backed him up him up against the wall caging him in with my arms and my much larger frame. I couldn't help myself as I ran my nose up the side of his neck to his ear. His skin was so soft and he smelled of Axe body spray and his own unique clean scent. It was simply delicious. I asked him if he was gay, and the shuddering of his sexy little frame underneath me answered the question for him. At that moment I had to taste him, so I gave in to the urge and licked his earlobe before sucking it into my mouth nipping his delicate flesh sharply. His resulting moan set my dick to throbbing leaking precum like a dripping faucet.

 I stepped away from him before I gave in to the other urges of stripping him naked and sitting him on the counter, and putting those petite legs on my shoulders and driving into his nice round ass as hard as I could. Just the thought had me shivering with spine tingling lust. Without another word, I left the dazed young man there to compose himself. I made a beeline back to the dining area. I buttoned my jacket making sure I was presentable and composed my features into my usual cool and uninterested mask. Upon reaching Bethany, I told her to meet me when Corey reappeared and that I had call to make outside.

 A few minutes later they slid into my car. I smirked as Corey climbed in and scooted all the way across the seat and refused to even look my way. When we got back to my building he all but tripped over himself to get away with a brief mutter of thank you and he disappeared towards the stairs. I watched greatly amused until Bethany piped up.

"Marcus, you know I never venture into your private life, but it seems Corey has caught your attention and you have caught his. I have never known you to take an interest in someone here at work. All I am just saying is that Corey is just starting out and he is as innocent as a Lamb. Please think about that, I don't want either of you hurt." She boldly advised me as we made our way to my office suite.

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