Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

(The Dungeon's VIP area---->)

 "T.G.I.F." I thought as I sat in on the end of the week meeting for Mr. White to review the completed final draft of the advertisement we had put together for the new make-up line for Teen Scene Cosmetics. I was especially proud of the graphic designs I completed on the background for the campaign, the actual Television commercial was being put together by another team upstairs, but their ideas would generate from the magazine print that we were going to revise and finalize it today. I was sitting there waiting with everyone else and Cassie was rambling on and on about going out tonight to celebrate.

 I zoned out as my thoughts flashed back to Marcus and his bedroom a few days ago. I shivered as the scenes played like a movie in my mind's eye. I bit back a groan. I could still feel the sting of his flogger as it connected with my skin. When I first saw it laying there on his bed, I was a little apprehensive, but with every lash he had soothed the affected area with a brush of his hands or his lips and tongue, therefore, adding even more heat to the sexual high he had created in me. Damn, I was hard with just the memories of the whole episode.

 "So what do you say, Corey?" Cassie's voice interrupted my musings. I looked up at her to see that she was looking at me expectantly. I shifted to ease the pressure of my zipper on my little man.

 "Um...sorry Cass. Could you repeat that?" I asked.

  "Humph...Are we not good enough for you to even pay us any attention when we are speaking to you?" Mitchell sneered.

 I didn't even acknowledge his statement and turned back to Cassie. "I am sorry, my mind was elsewhere. Please repeat what you were saying?" I asked her giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

 She was about to open her mouth when Kim and all her venom spewed. "She was saying Twink, that we are all going to that new club "The Dungeon" later to celebrate your usurping my design campaign. She wanted to know of you can make it or will it be past your bedtime?"

  I was about to open my mouth and say something witty, but the door opened and in walked Mr. White and I lost all of my focus, because Marcus entered right behind him with Bethany  holding her IPAD standing slightly to his right. All my senses zeroed in on him and him alone. I quickly realized what I was doing and I dropped my gaze, looking down at my hands instead and fighting a furious blush. Everyone took a seat and I looked up through my lashes to see that Marcus was seated at the head of the long conference table facing me square on. He silver eyes surveyed the occupants with a cold precision that actually left goose bumps on my skin. He showed absolutely no emotion. He sat back and crossed his legs waving at Mr. White imperiously to proceed. 

  Mr. White wasn't quick enough to mask the flicker of irritation he glanced down at the templates and when he looked back up it was gone and he began. "As you guys can see, Mr. Roche has graced us with his presence today along with his lovely assistant to critique our work. So let's begin for I am sure his time is precious." He stated cordially with his false courtesy as he handed out the frames of the advertisement. We spent twenty minutes going over the visual lay out and through it all Marcus didn't say one word. When Mr. White was finished he turned expectantly to Marcus.

 Marcus placed the final frame down and replied. "This is very impressive and well put together. Good job, the graphics are very well done and the color scheme pulled it all together, very eye catching. Who is the person or people on the graphic side of the ad?" He asked White. I almost swallowed my tongue because I knew at any moment every eye in the room was going to be on me.

 "Mr. Smyth is the team member responsible for the design’s graphics and background. I had requested the designers to each submit an idea and I chose the one I liked best and we went from there. Mr. Smyth was the one to catch my eye." White smugly explained. So full of his own self importance.

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