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I'm fine.


I'm okay.

You're lying

I am fine.

You know you're dying inside

Maybe I'm not so well.

Hehe yeah

My head is killing me. Should I go to the bathroom? It's 3rd period (Honors English). The class is busy but the teacher is right there. If I could just raise my hand. Maybe just ask to go to the nurse.

So all the other kids can see you. They'll see you. Judge you.

Perhaps I can go during passing period. My head is not that bad. Crap. Ms. Hayden is looking at me.

She's judging you. She's knows what you did Cora.

I can just work harder maybe she will look away. Look away. Please.
"Cora can you tell me what's the difference between an analysis and a summary?" Boomed Ms. Hayden's soft yet firm voice.
She's looking at me. Except through me. She knows.

Pull down your sleeves girl.

I yank down at my sleeves.
"A summary describes the story, while an analysis goes further into detail while describing..?" I said in the smallest frail voice, questioning my every word.

You are a disgrace.

My classmates are staring at me. They couldn't hear me. Ms. Harden just walked around the class repeating my frail words and editing my statement to make it correct. She thanked me and introduced our next novel. Am I okay? No one is still looking at me. Do they know?

Ha. Doesn't matter if they know you are still a freak. They will judge you.

The bell rings and I nearly jump out of my seat.
My head hurts. Bad.
I make my way out of the classroom and into the crowded hallway. Nurse. Nurse. I need to go to the nurse. I frantically pace through my schools hallway to find the nurse's office. As I see it in sight a group of guys pace by. Looking at my body. Sneering. I'm wearing a long sleeve gray shirt with black leggings and gray flats. They stare at my rear as I walk I almost freeze as the tallest boy in the group walks up to me and grabs my arm. It's painful. I wince under his touch.

Don't show your pain. He will know. He will make you into the schools laughing stock. They will hurt you.

"Hey," he breathes as he looks up and down my body, the hallway is near clear besides his group of jerks."You have a nice body," he presses me to a corner where we are both out of sight from any staff members. I can feel his breath as he speaks, "I'm Brandon, meet me here after school, if you dare." He let's go of my arm and smiles touching my collarbone before walking away with his group of friends.

So he is cute. Meet him.

He is an ass.

You could become his girl

My head pounds as I try to walk to the nurse's office. My attempt fails, I fall over and blackout.

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