Chapter 4

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It is an unfortunate belief held by many people that a pretty girl is a shallow girl. Celestia Ludenberg fancied she was a perfect argument against this stereotype. Her manner of dress was a statement, and a powerful one at that. Her look was a part of her. It made a difference. She compared herself to Marie Antoinette, who had spurred a revolution with her lavish dresses.

Celestia Ludenberg wasn't a mere fashion plate. She boasted a head for numbers; a mathematical finesse, as she referred to it herself. From a small age she displayed extraordinary ability with the quantitative. She could look at a jar of jellybeans and know exactly how many were in it. She performed exceptionally in trials regarding the memorization of colors, shapes, figures and directions.

The Queen of Lies' secret to her Super High School Level gambling ability?

She counted cards. She tracked the movement of hands. She analyzed patterns. Matters of 'chance' weren't chance at all, if you did the math.

Or that's what she told herself, anyway. She also calculated risk and most of the time it was high. But she let it be nonetheless, risks thrilled her.

Nobody in the school knew this however Celestia Ludenberg is not her real name. Her real name is Taeko Yasuhiro, Celestia Ludenberg was merely a character she created so she could get rid of her boring life and her boring self. She dressed up the part by dressing up as a lolita and she wore hair extensions.

She didn't want anybody to know the real her, the boring her that shouldn't exist.

Junko Enoshima skipped around the school, a wild grin on her face appeared when she saw Celestia. Her grin turned into a sinister smile as she ran towards her and "tripped" tumbling forward snatching at Celeste's hair as she crashes tugging at lose the beautiful girl's right curl, revealing to the students of Hope's Peak that Celeste indeed wore hair extensions.

Everyone gasped.

"Ouch!" Junko cried out.

Her knee was bleeding, and she clutched the black colored hair in her left hand. The blonde brought it to her face with an innocent expression on her face as she gasped. Celeste rolled her eyes, it was an Oscar worthy performance however she knew she was lying.

"I'm so sorry!" Junko said, her apology not at all authentic. "I'd be so embarrassed if that happened to me. Upupu I guess all you have to do is laugh it off."

She extended her hand to Celestia, who snatched the hair extension from her, her red eyes ready to kill.

"I am laughing." Celeste wasn't laughing at all. She carefully attached the curl to her head ignoring the glances of the other students. "At you, clumsy bitch."

Celestia couldn't control herself from saying the last word. It was terribly unladylike and it was something Taeko Yasuhiro would have done not Celestia Ludenberg.

Junko just giggled, "my my, that's not like you to lash out like that. Better behave in public now if you don't want to ruin your image."

She smirked and skipped away to the nurse's office, not having a care in the world.

"What are you looking at?!" Celestia barked at the crowd.

How lowly. How offensive. How unladylike.

She sighed, raising her hands to her chin with a delicate smile.

Calm down Celeste, you have a reputation to uphold.

"Well let us be on our way to class now, Shall we?" She stood up dusting off her skirt.

The admirers she had gathered around her looked at eachother, raising their eyebrows. Yet, ever obedient, they shortly rose and joined their queen.

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