1.9K 78 24

10:54 pm

@zenilla: hey Ethan I'm so sorry we haven't been able to talk

@zenilla: school and soccer is taking up so much of my time and I know that's stupid to make an excuse but seriously I have barely been able to pass any of my classes because I'm so busy

@ekat19: it's ok

@zenilla: you sound mad, I'm really sorry

@ekat19: no I'm not mad, I've just had a bad day

@zenilla: tell me what happened

@ekat19: well I don't know it wasn't anything like specifically but small things

@zenilla: tell me, I want to know and I don't care how long it takes

@ekat19: so in the morning all of the hot water was gone for some reason and that sucked and then I got to school and forgot to bring my money and I didn't bring a lunch and then all my friends ditched me

@zenilla: That sucks im really sorry

@ekat19: it's fine. Tell me about your day.

@zenilla: well I broke out a lot cause Mia took me to fucking Carl's Junior and that was grand then today I had a game after school and I was on the verge of tears because coach didn't play me ONCE and then I went to the football game cuz today was Friday and they won (for once) and I guess it got better because I saw some people

@ekat19: wtf that's annoying

@ekat19: why didn't she play you

@zenilla: idk she's still figuring out what positions we play best

@zenilla: but some things happened and I'm in a better mood now

@ekat19: at your soccer game?

@zenilla: no at the football game

@zenilla: I saw this guy I really like and I actually think he noticed me

@ekat19: oh

@ekat19: cool

@ekat19: what does he look like

@zenilla: um he has brown hair and is very very attractive

@ekat19: nice

@zenilla: but really I missed us talking

@ekat19: I did too

@zenilla: please can we try talking everyday from now on?

@zenilla: even if it's one word

@ekat19: anything for you

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