A Song Unfinished (yes it is a poem not a song :)

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                  I made a deal that I was not to steal but I could not seem to help myself. Your heart was something I could not live without. Your love was all that made me real.

Clearly you’re the one. If without you there is darkness you must be the sun.

  I'm just a child weak with fear; my salvation is in your hands. While others cast me out and put me down you always seemed to understand.

Clearly you’re the one. If without you there is darkness you must be the sun.

  You can see me, standing in the shadow of uncertainty. Wearing the mask of tragedy. Holding my heart in my hands.

Clearly you’re the one. If without you there is darkness you must be the sun.

A little bit of me..like a hunk of bloody meat ;)Where stories live. Discover now