"Hello again Lily..."

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*In the morning*

Lily woke up. And saw a pink flower on her bed. She picked it up. Lily smiled. "It might have been from Dad." She got dressed and headed downstairs. When Lily was downstairs, she saw Dan making breakfast. He turned around and saw her. "Oh! Goodmorning Sweetheart. Your breakfast is on the table." Dan said to Lily. She smiled. Lily walked and sat at the table and saw her breakfast. It was a pancake of herself. "Oh.. um thanks Dad!" As she started eating it. "Your Welcome Lily. By the way. I'm going to enroll you into a school. Cause I have to a TDM Tour Today. So yeah. We will go to your school after you eat breakfast." Dan said. Lily frowned. "Are you sure? I will be friends with much kids."She replied. He walked to Lily and hugged her. "Don't worry. I will be back home by 4." She hugged back. "O.. Ok."

*After Breakfast*

"Ok Lily. Lets go." Dan said. "JEM! Were going now!" He shouted. "K." She answered back. Lily grabbed her Bag, her lunch and her books. She headed for the car. Lily sat and gazed outside the window. Her mum came out and said, "Bye Lily! Have a great time!" As she waved. Lily waved back. They started moving to Lily's New School. She sat there.. "Dad?" Lily said. "Yes?" He answered back. "Never mind. Its not important."

*At The school*

Dan and Lily started Walking until this boy came up. He bumped into Lily and said, "Watch where your going Nerd!" He stopped and looked at her. He recognized her. As well as Lily. "Well well well. What do we have here? Lily Middleton with his dad Daniel Middleton. What a good family. Ha ha ha. What a coincidence. My names Josh, DanTDM." Josh Said. Dan stood infront of Lily. "You have no right's to talk to my Daughter like that. That is very rude! Now. If you excuse me. Me and Lily are heading to the reception for her to start to this school." As Dan and her started walking off. "So. She is starting school here huh? This will be interesting..."

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