But... HE is in my class...

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*After School*

>Lily Pov<

"I'm so glad I'm in you class Puggles!" As I shouted with Joy! "Yeah! I'll see you tomorrow!" "Bye!" I am so happy I feel like the whole world is full of joy! Hmmmm? That's strange where's dad? I decided to walk home, ( it's just 2 blocks away) "I'm sure dad is probably busy with doing tours! Maybe he's just tired!" I sighed. I'll be fine... I needed some exercise anyways.

>Dan Pov<

"Am I forgetting something?" I am so confused I can't even think straight. A knock came on my door and I answered it. "Yes Jem?" "DAN YOU FORGOT LILY AT SCHOOL!!!!" Jemma screamed. OMG I FORGOT!! I've been so busy I forgot about my daughter! I quickly ran downstairs heading for the door but before I could. Lily was right in front of me. Fast as I could, I hugged her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I forgot about you!" Lily hugged back. "It's fine.." she walked upstairs to her room and shut the door. I feel so bad about myself! But Jem gave me that look. " Looks like someone needs some comfort?" I sighed and walked upstairs.

>Lily Pov again..<

He didn't mean to forget you didn't he? I did have a great time at school. But he didn't mean to. Did he?? I heard a knock at my door. Me being so lazy I just shouted out, "It's open!" It was Dad. He sat next to me, it looked like he was upset. "Are you ok dan- i mean dad?" As I asked. "I'm sorry. I can't think straight right now. Tour has been tiring. And I'm still getting used to this "Dad" thing." I hugged him and told him, "Its ok... I know you didn't mean to forget me. But I did have a great time at school! I met lots of new kids! They kept crowding around me asking me questions!" He laughed. "What did they ask you?" "Are you really Dan's child?" "Can I come over to your house?" "Can I be your friend?" I didn't answer them but they kept following me. Like I'm the most popular girl in school!" As I told him. It was nice talking to him but I didn't want to tell him something bad. "Alright Lily. I'll call you to come and eat dinner." Dan said as he walked out the door. I sighed and laid back down on my bed. "But HE is in my class...."

(Sorry for not updating! But here it is! Sorry if it's short I'm trying my best!)

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