Chapter 10

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Maries pov:

I had woken up. Everything still hurt like hell. I honestly couldnt even tell what day it is.

When my eyes had finally adjusted to the light I could make out two faces. One was jasons and the other had the same eyes as me brett and my father so i assumed he was my older brother.

"Good to see you are awake sis."

"I feel like i have been hit by a bus."

"Well techically sis it was a tree. Before you get all upset we retreived your car and are working on fixing it now."

Relief fell through me atleast i would get my car back.

I decided i needed to know what kind of shape.

"How bad am i?"

Jason decided to speak,"Well you hit your head, no permanant damage minor damgae acutally. Lots of cuts from the glass. A shattered wrist and a fracture let with two broken toes."

Ah shit no wonder i felt like crap.

"But being as you are part werewolf you should be healed in about two weeks."

I couldnt hold it in,"I am part what?!"

"Were wolf my dear sister. Please tell me you were listening to dad when he explained everything."

"I didnt really catch on to that actually."

The boys helped me out of bed and took me to my room where my father was waiting for me with open arms. I gladly climbed into them and started to cry.

"Why are you crying daughter?"

"I caught..."I could barely speak" alec......cheating!" At the end of my sentence i burst into tears and my father brushed my hair with his fingers. I finally feel loved the way i have always wanted to. I love my father so much.

After two months of healing and getting back to normal my father said i would have to train my wolf if i had wanted to become a fighter.

I had decided after Alecs betrayal that i was going to be stronger that i was going to learn to fight.

I wanted to fight for my kingdom as their princess.

Right now i was starting to feel the pain.

"Again" my brother called to me i had shifted to a wolf about a week ago and i was learning how to fight. I Had to take him down.

I took a defensive stance and he didnt understand it so he launched himself at me. I Layed back and used my back legs to kick him over me. Then when he stod up i went under him turned around and jumped on his back biting his neck showing him i won.

It was probably the fith time I won we were evenly match though.

We hear clapping from behind us and my father stood there with a smile on his face. Me and my brother shifted and got dressed. My father came up and hugged us both.

"I am very proud of you my children. You Marie have a visitor."

I ran inside and saw my twin standing there with his head down.


"she used me. I let myself hurt you."

Then he broke down.

"shhhh calm down brother everything will be alright."

He wiped tears from his face.

"Marie dad said there was a way i could get out of being a vampire. I can become a werewolf. I dont want to be a vampire anymore I never did. I got approval from John and if i am accepted by Dad i can become a were. I can have my family back."

He seemed so happy. Father walked in and looked at brett. He looked pained.

Bretts pov:

I didnt want to be this anymore i wanted to be with my family.

"My son" My father spoke

"If i accept your plea will you swear your alligence to this kingdom and your family? Will you help us fight against those that appose us? Will your leave your vampire lover? Will you show us kindness and love? Will you have pride in us as a family and a kingdom?"

I turned up my head and looked him in the eye.

"Yes my Father."

He took a knife and cut my hand then cut his and put it over mine.

"I hear by accept you my son. As a prince of our kingdom. Your vampire will leave you."

I felt a surge of pain go through out my body. I felt something ripped away and i could have sworn i heard Katie scream no and call me a list of profanities but i didnt care anymore. I was with my family. Just as the emptiness came i felt full again. Not dull like i had been but full of life. It was amazing.

I fell in a deep sleep only to awaken as a large Auburn wolf. I looked around me. I saw a huge Dark brown wolf with black ears who i assumed was father. There was a Black one with white paws which was ryan and i had also seen a stunning white wolf with a silver circle around her eye which was Marie.

My life was now complete. I had my family it was all that mattered.

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