Chapter 7- I Will Help You

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~Zayn's POV~

I had to keep our promise, it was a way of having Harry still with me.

I stand up from the bedside, and gently touch the outlines of what where Harry's body, his warmth is still concealed in it, as I continue to rub I feel it fading away under my touch.

I keep rubbing until it's completely gone.

I didn't want to leave the room, it felt as if Harry where still here, but I knew Niall and Liam would be waiting, and I couldn't leave them alone.

I couldn't leave them like I left Harry.

I couldn't fail them how I had just failed Harry.

Everything I would do now, I would do it for Harry.

Everything I would do would be for our promise.

~~******~ Two Weeks Later~~*****~

¨Zayn please, we have to head to the funeral, the priest will be there soon.¨ Niall slowly whispers.

I sit in front of Harry's room mirror, completely still.

Liam gently runs his fingers through my hair, as he begins to cry.

I stay motionless.

I just stare at my reflection.

Looking back at me is a man. A man covered with a pale complexion, a man who had not eaten for the past weeks, a man who had let himself lose.

¨Zayn you can't do this to yourself honey, I know it hurts but Harry wouldn't want this, he would want..¨ Liam commences but I cut him through.

¨What would he want Liam? He would have wanted me to have helped him, he would have wanted so much from me , but I wasn't there for him. If..If I hadn't told him what I said that night would have happened.¨ After I finish I realize...

I realize..

It's all my fault.








I feel my breathing increasing.

¨No Zayn, honey no stop it is not your fault. Oh my god Zayn calm down, your pulse is going out of control.¨ LIam becomes scared of my breathing rhythm.

¨It's my fault,, it's all my fucking fault Liam.¨ I grab him by his shoulder, my eyes meet his dark brown eyes.

I just wanted him to help me, to make all the pain go away but he looks away from me.

¨I'm sorry Zayn.. we have to go.¨ He leaves me and heads for Niall to adjust his tie. the tie matched his whole outfit, it matched all our outfits, each one of them different shades of black.

The color of death.

¨We have to go, Harry is waiting.¨ NIall and Liam say in unison.

They still had each other, they would never understand my pain....

~*~At the funeral~*~

All of us dressed in the color of death encircle the casket.

The casket was wrapped in a blanket of flowers, each one a different color from each person around.

Each of them try to extend a hand, each try to help me, feel pity for me.

But no one can help.

Everyone just stares and hears the priest start:

¨We are here to honor the memory of Harry Styles. A young responsible man, who was always there to help others. Who with his smile made others smile. He was a caring brother...¨

At this point I hear Gemma's muffled cries into Harry's mom shoulder.

Se herself has fallen apart. She looks as if she were with us, but she is not, Her mind wanders far from us...

I continue to hear the cries of a sister who lost her older brother, her best friend.

¨and a wonderful mate and friend..¨ The priest continues.

I feel a presence staring at me, and look from the casket to the eyes looking at me.

My eyes lock with Marcel's baby green eyes.

His eyes look so much like Harry's.

Today he hadn't gelled his hair back, and the slow drizzle pouring above our umbrella had caused it to fluff...

his hair curls at the ends.

¨H-Harry?¨ I stare at Marcel, he must have read my lips because at this remark he looks away with deep sorrow.

¨No Zayn, that's Marcel.¨ Liam corrects me, his words hurt but I knew deep inside he was dying to make it all better, he wanted to mend my heart.

The drizzle begins to turn unto a harsh water fall, but the priest continues describing my Harry.

I begin to hear footsteps from the grass behind us, no one else hears them but I do.

I turn around quickly to see Louis approaching us in a leather black jacket. His hands in his pockets he pretends to cry, he pretends to be hurt.

¨What the fuck are you doing here? GET THE FUCK OUT!¨ I yell at Louis, I feel myself working to him.

¨Zayn im so sorry, you know Harry was like a brother to m...¨ Before he can finish I slam my hand into his face, he recoils back and hit him more.

Over and over till I see the red liquid drip from his nose.

¨Zayn stop what are you doing??¨ Harry's mom pulls me from Louis, helping him from his feet.

¨It's okay Mrs. Crox understand him he's lost everything..¨ I can feel the inner smirk and evil inside.

She and Louis just glare at me.

I try to loosen my expression, and play a fake act.

¨Im so sorry, im soo sorryy I can't control myself...¨ I say at the both of them.

Louis gives me an apologetic look, and leans in to give me a hug.

I feel coldness, and disgust with his touch. His repulsive hands around my shoulder.

¨Im sorry.¨ He huskily whispers into my ear.

¨wasn't he in jail?¨ I hear someone murmur around.

¨Yeah but his dad his the boss of the most well known studio, he got him out in a snap.¨ I hear someone say.

I feel Louis chuckle to himself, and he lets me go.

I glare at him, I take note of all his features, as an idea spurs into my mind

Once again I feel a presence and find Marcel staring at me again, but this time he is mouthing something to me.

He mouths:

¨I will help you.¨

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