Rant Alert!!!

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Okay, I'm not the one to rant about stuff, but now I am. I am so tired of hearing about those damn clowns. Grownups say teenagers are Immature, well these damn clowns (most of them) are damn grown people! Grown people! Sure us teenagers have our days, but not everyone, rarely any teenager goes around dressing as clowns, (There have only been two teens to dress up as clowns In Alabama, that I know of.) Sure they might play a prank, but they still reveal themselves, they don't take It to the next level. I'm not saying that they are not In the wrong, 'cause trust me, they are, but what I am saying I wish these Ignorant people would quit saying It's only teenagers playing this trick on people. No, for crying out loud, It's not only teenagers! There have been over twenty clown sightings (In Alabama) and they have all been grown men! Like jesus christ, someone please knock some sense In these Idiots!

Who else Is tired of this bullshit?

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