Another One or Could It Be Two?

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   Four weeks after they got their presents Liv starts throwing up and her breast are sore. 'No no I can't be pregnant again. There is barely enough food as it is. I don't eat anything. I let the kids eat it all. He'll get mad if he has to bring extra food.' Liv thinks to herself. Liv decided to tell him in a few months.
   A few months pass and when Anthony walks in that morning Liv says,"Hello my love. I have some news for you."
   "What is it?"
   "I'm pregnant again."
   "I'll start bringing enough food for 6 people," he smiles.
   "I thought you'd be mad."
   "I've learned that you wait to tell me until it's to late to do anything about it so there's no point in being mad."
   Liv nods because she is pretty sure she is 5 months along but is she really? Over the next few days Liv's stomach doubles in size and she starts to think she is only 3 months pregnant but with twins. She gets worried but decided to keep it to herself.
   4 months later...
   Anthony comes in and Liv says,"Hello my love."
   "Still no baby. You look like your over due. Is everything okay?"
   "Yes, my love. We need to talk."
   He nods giving Liv permission to speak. "I think I'm only 7 months with twins."
   "I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt because there's no way you could know that they were twins until later in the pregnancy."
   "Thank you my love." This is the first time since she's been here that saying my love to him didn't make her want to throw up and she doesn't know why.
   Anthony puts the plates of food down and walks to the door. He opens the door and Liv says,"Goodbye my love."

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