4) Fights

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You look through your Twitter seeing all different kinds of hate from the fans. You only told them about you and George a few days ago, and there was already so many people sending you horrible messages. George walks into the room to find you crying, scrolling through your phone.

"What's the matter?" He looks really concerned as he grabs your hand and kisses it.

"Your fans" you mutter rolling your eyes, he must've seen the hate you've been getting.

"You know I can't do anything about it Y/N, you knew the risks before we told them"

"I know George but you try having someone saying all those things about you, they think I'm no good for you. I thought I could do this, but I don't think I can" you are almost shouting.

"How can you say that?!" He says angrily "I know you are angry with them, but they are supporting me"

"Well if you love them so much, you can be all their boyfriends, because you know what I thought you would stand up for me"

"Don't be like that Y/N" he says still annoyed "They mean a lot to me"

"So should I!" You scream

"Well they've got me where I am, you're just complicating things!" He shouts, and you look at him briefly before running out of his kitchen and up to his bedroom that you've been sharing. Not long later you hear a gentle knock on the door.

"Leave me alone" you cry into the pillow.

"Y/N..." George sighs.

"I mean it George, I'm packing as we speak" you get up and grab your suitcase throwing things into it.

The door opens and George stands there, he goes over to you quickly before grabbing the clothes out of your hand. You fight against him, but he grabs your wrists and pulls you into his chest. You sit in his land sobbing.

"I didn't mean it" he says and you can feel the tears coming for his eyes. "I didn't mean it, I love you and I don't want you to leave... Ever"
"I won't" you whisper finally feeling calm, knowing that both only said things out of anger.

"I love you George"


You've been waiting for the guys to get back from tour for ages, and today you was finally going to see your boyfriend Blake. You've been so excited all day getting everything ready for him to come home. It gets to one in the morning, but you are still up waiting for him. Finally you hear the door open, and you see Blake walk in with a handful of bags and a suitcase. You run over to him helping him get everything into the hallway.

"Hey, I missed you" You say as he finally takes off his shoes and coat. He doesn't reply, he simply walks into the kitchen and getting some water from the tap.

"Blake?" You say "Are you okay?"

"Why can't you just leave me alone for a second!" He snaps.

Tears fill your eyes, and you look at him hurt, you have nothing to reply.

"I just-"

"Alone" He repeats before turning around with a blank expression on your face.

"I'm sorry" You say wiping a tear from your eye "But I've waited up all night for you, in fact I haven't slept properly since you left. I've been counting down the days to be in your arms, and you can't even manage a 'Hello'? You obviously have been too caught up in everything to think about me." you say before walking upstairs to bed. You climb under the covers, and close your eyes, but you cant sleep. Tears sting your eyes as they fall, and you try to supress your crying. That's why you hear the bedroom door open, and you feel Blake stroke your head, you keep your eyes closed.

"Baby" He says "I'm so sorry"

You open your eyes and see him crouched next to you on the floor so you are eye level. His eyes are red and puffy.

"I've been so stressed lately, and I shouldn't take it out on you" He plays with your hair "I've counting down the days too, Its been unbearable not to wake up next to you"

You move over and make room so he can lay down beside you, which he does and you look into each others eyes.

"I've missed you so much" You say biting your lip to stop yourself from crying. "I was so excited, I forgot that you'd be tired, and it should have-"

He cuts you off by kissing you sweetly, his lips taste like tears. For the first time in months you feel complete.

"I love you" You say touching his face.

"I love you Y/N, always have, and always will"


You are looking through your phone before you see a picture of your boyfriend holding hands with another girl. It was captioned "My favourite". You go onto the mysterious girls profile seeing that her and Reece have a bit of history together.

"Y/N?" Reece shouts "I'm back, hurry the foods going to go cold"

You rush down the stairs and before he says anything, you practically throw the phone at Reece.

"Who's that?" You ask trying to be calm.

"Oh her? That's umm... That's... She's" He stumbles for the answer.

"Who is she Reece? When was that photo taken?"

"Last week" He mutters.

"Last week? Wait Tuesday last week when you cancelled our plans, because of a 'writing session'?"

"Yes" He admits looking at the floor. "But its not what it looks like..."

"What does it look like? Because I'll tell you what, it seems to me that you cancelled our date to hang around with some model! How could you do that to me?" You are shouting with frustration.

"Your not listening!" He shouts

"No you're not listening!" You say. "Do you love me?"

"What?" He says

"Answer the question Reece"

"Of course I do, more than anything!" He's shouting now

"Then explain to me, what that is!"

"She was helping me"

"Helping you? It that your way of telling me?"

"No your not listening, its about you" He says his voice soft

"What are you talking about?" You'd be angry but you were way too confused.

"She was helping me with this" He pulls out a black box and opens it revealing a ring. "I want you to marry me" He's down on his knee.

You stand paralysed in shock.

"I love you Y/N, and I want to be with you forever"

"I love you too" You say with tears in your eyes and you run over and hug him.

"Is that a 'Yes'?" He asks

"Yes" You reply.

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