Chapter Thirteen

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I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday! I certainly did but now finals week is fast approching. Ugh.

Sorry I got so behind on posting! Expect chapters to be a little slower than normal this week and next (since it is that time of year and all. I've got far too much cramming to do). Remember to vote and comment if you're enjoying the story so far or simply following along!


“ Guys I don’t really think this is going to work” I muttered from the front seat of Chelsea’s pickup truck. I had a large blanket tightly pulled around my shoulders as I sat there watching them work. Every few minutes as I swung my feet out of the front door a quiet crash would float to my ears from their repeated collision with the side of the truck. I thought the sound would have gotten them to pay more attention to me but it didn’t.

 None of them eve looked my way most of the night and they certainly didn’t pay my comment any mind. Wyatt, Jason, and Chelsea simply continued to ignore me as they started laying down a thick layer of paste on the side of the brick building we decided to bomb with three large brooms; we had purchased them just an hour before we got to the building. Our goal tonight was to get the large poster that we had been working on together over the last two nights adhered to the brick wall we had chosen to show case, what I guess you could call, our comeback. For some reason since the night that Chelsea and I had actually made ourselves official on the porch outside of Wyatt’s house and everyone else lost themselves in the bottom of tequila bottles, everyone had this new renewed sense of pride; I guess that’s what you could call it. After everyone unwound they re-devoted themselves to the cause of catching whoever it was who was still adamant about slashing our work.

Before Wyatt’s party we had been rarely going out and whatever we put up wasn’t by any means large. It was always small stuff that we did separately and was either torn down or slashed within hours. After the party though, Chelsea and Jason weren’t okay with that anymore. They decided together that the best course of action to catch whoever this was would be to let them think we simply gave up. We hung up our painting supplies for two weeks. We didn’t put a single sticker up around town and just for safeties sake we didn’t do anything at all in the apartment or in Chelsea’s studio. Everything simply halted for those long weeks and we occupied our time simply watching movies or chatting in the boring silence that fell over us all too often during that time.

Now, after Chelsea and Jason were convinced that we had disappeared for long enough to make an impression, as I was sitting there shivering in the cool march air we were making ourselves visible again. Over the last two nights we worked as a group diligently to make a large collaboration piece. We combined our styles, materials, and voices to make a large poster that would cover the entire side of another deserted building we found down town. People had been taking a liking to tagging the inside walls rather than the exterior so we decided to take it upon ourselves to bomb this building to make a splash. We mixed our paste all morning long and after slicing up the large poster with the artist’s scalpels from Chelsea’s studio on their apartment’s countertop, we set out to make our voices heard yet again.

“  I really don’t think it will either, but it’s worth a shot.” Quinn agreed beside me in the truck with a small smile. Both of us wanted to be over there helping get our work up on the side of building but the plan for tonight was very exact. For some reason Quinn and I got elected to sit in the truck waiting for them to finish the piece. After they finished we were instructed by Chelsea to start the truck and sit there ready to drive off while they got all of the supplies inside. While they made more noise than any of us were comfortable with as they moved their things around Jason would slip out of sight into his hiding spot a few feet away. The rest of us would hop in the truck and park it down the street in front of some liquor store. Then quietly we’d make our way back up the street on foot and hide a few feet back from where Jason was.

Typical - A Lesbian Romance [NaNoWriMo 2013] // ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now