Chapter Fifteen

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Hey guys! I hope everyone has had a fun and relaxing holiday season so far and I wish you all a very happy new year ~ Goodbye 2013 

I hardly expected life to still be frantically busy after the semester ended (but it was just Christmas after all, what was I even thinking?). I haven't written much since the start of December but I am planning on changing that! 

On that note, here is the long awaited chapter! Expect at more in a week or two and remember to vote and/or comment if you're enjoying the ride so far! 


“ Miss! I’m sorry but you cannot, under any circumstance, go in there. This is the last time I’m going to tell you that.” A young nurse shouted at Chelsea with a stern look on her features. I could have sworn in my exhaustion that this was at least the tenth time that same nurse, with her red hair held in a messy bun and her tired eyes, said the same exact line to Chelsea in the last hour. She never happened to say anything more. All she would do was mutter that same line that made none of us feel any better. After the woman spoke Chelsea, with an exasperated huff, would come back over to sit with us. She’d stay there with a scowl on her own tired features for a while and would simply mutter unpleasant comments about the nurse that wouldn’t tell us a damn thing under her breath. Then no less than ten minutes later she would rise from her chair yet again to walk back over to the nurses’ bay to try to get the woman to let her see Jason. It was a vicious cycle of sorts but in the end whatever helped her get through this was fine with the rest of us. We could handle sitting there listening to Chelsea say the same things over and over. It was honestly the least of our worries. Besides, after our night it didn’t seem like there was anything out there that we couldn’t have handled at that moment.

This time though Chelsea didn’t walk away with that same, partially defeated, huff. She stood there in front of the woman with an annoyed look on her face. “ You can’t keep us out here all damn day! We’ve been here since two am sitting in those damn chairs without any sort of update. Another nurse told us we could see him after he got out of his surgery at five. It’s now eight. I’ve had enough of this sitting and waiting shit. You’re going to let me see him.” Chelsea shouted back as she crossed her arms across her chest tightly.

“ Miss, I’m sorry but until he wakes up and gives his permission for you to enter his room we cannot let you do that.” The woman repeated. The ironic part of this whole situation was that the nurse looked everything but sorry. If anything she looked like she didn’t give a damn about that fact that a group of broken, tired, and distraught looking teenagers were sitting in the waiting area outside of her wing of the hospital.

“ What if he never wakes up? No one has told us anything. How do we even know if he’s alive right now? Would you of even told us that?” Chelsea shouted once again. All of her frustration leaked out into the air around us and from where I was sitting, my head leaned against a sleeping Wyatt, I could see tears of pure anger pooling behind Chelsea’s long lashes. This entire situation was absolutely awful. We had been through enough as it was; the last thing any of us needed was to deal with this woman. She must have, deep down in her soul, found some sort of compassion for us though, because her features softened ever so slightly.

“ Miss, listen. Please just sit down with your friends. I’ll call Jason’s doctor right now. If he can I’ll get him to come down here and give you an update. Alright?” Chelsea huffed at her yet again but still nodded in agreement before she dragged her feet over to the rest of us. Wyatt was still sound asleep beside me despite all of Chelsea’s screaming but Quinn and I were as wide awake as we could manage while we watched her with curious eyes every time she’d walk over to where the nurses’ were standing.

Typical - A Lesbian Romance [NaNoWriMo 2013] // ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now