Should I Feel Like This? Or is it the Booze?

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After our interview had finished, Jack asked me if I was coming to the after party. Unfortunately, I had to say no, because I wasn't invited. The party was only for the bands and artists, some photographers, and plus-ones. I wasn't any of those, so I was just going to go back to my hotel as soon as the show finished. However, Jack didn't like the sound of that, and told me to come and be his plus-one. I couldn't just decline that. These guys were pretty fun to be around, and it would be so weird for me not to accept to go to a party if I was asked to come. He seemed so happy and excited when I said I would do it.

The show was pretty good. Different bands played, and All Time Low played a medley of classics. It wasn't exactly my scene, but some songs really got to me. The lyrics actually meant something and weren't degrading other people! I could so get used to this. Maybe I couldn't get into the bands that played harder music, but All Time Low was a perfect level to start at. And although I barely knew them -- or didn't know them at all -- I felt really proud when All Time Low won all the awards they were nominated for. I had been nominated countless of times for big awards, but the only thing I ever won was best female performance at the MTV Movie Awards.

I made my way out of the arena where the show was being held, and started making my way to the venue for the after party. Of course there were people waiting for me to come out. Cameras were flashing and everybody tried to come closer to me, asking me questions about my day or about the divorce. Whenever I was spotted somewhere, paparazzi were soon to follow. Innocent bystanders seemed to be so confused about what was happening. I felt so bad about stealing the show from everybody else; I didn't want all this attention! All I was doing was literally walking from one place to another. Was that really that interesting? Did people really need to know I walked? And who cared about what I was wearing! This was my life, not anybody else's.

I ignored all the clicks of the cameras and the shouting of the paparazzi. There were always those stupid people that would tell all the others to back off, to only invade my personal space themselves. I was so happy when I finally reached the club rented especially for this event, and got let in in no time. I wasn't sure if the bouncer let me in because Jack told him I was coming, or that he just let me in because I was famous. And that was another annoying thing about being who I was. You just never knew whether people did stuff because of your name and status or because they actually knew you. I just hoped Jack asked me to come because he was being nice, and not because he could walk around telling people I was here with them.

Punk music was blaring over the speakers, colorful lights were illuminating the walls, ceiling, and floor, and people were standing all over the place. But there was one problem. I didn't know anybody here. My interview with All Time Low caused me to miss the opportunity to talk to any other bands. I got stares from all over the place as I walked through the crowd. For once, I actually felt uncomfortable. I was used to having people look at me, but this felt a lot weirder and more awkward. I did not fit in here.

But I composed myself, and continued my way to the bar. Having a drink would probably help me ignore all the stuff going on around me. I sat down at one of the barstools, since only a couple of other people were sat there as well, and waited for the bartender to come up to me and ask me what I wanted. Drinks were being bought, made, and drunk like it was nobody's business. People would sing along with the choruses and scream along with the popular hooks. Everybody seemed to know everybody, and I was just here trying to get a drink. How pathetic was that! Normally I was the well known person around, but it was no longer like that. I didn't belong here, and now I was the outsider.

Rumours Ruin Reputations (All Time Low FanFiction | Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now