The Date

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    It was just supposed to be a stupid dare from Cutlass Liz and that was it. The dumb twit shouldn't have actually said yes! Though Pirate captain did anyway with a dopey grin, and now he was stuck here in this idiotic restaurant wait for the Pirate Captain to show up.

God, when did his life go from “Black Bellamy the world's most wanted pirate” to the second most wanted pirate waiting for the Pirate Captain for a flipping date?! It was just so irritating for this to happen to him and-

    “Well ,good evening Bellamy !”

Well, looks like dumb twit finally decided to show up for the date.

    Bellamy turned his head from the table which he was previously glaring as to get a better look at the Pirate Captain. To Bellamy’s surprise the twit looked pretty good. He was wearing a white ruffled blouse which was accompanied by a pair of black pants and a couple of rings on his fingers and a single hoop earring. His hair was tied up in a man bun and the beard still glossed over, but looked like it was trimmed.

    Without saying a word Black Bellamy just turned around towards the table and picked up his menu. The Pirate Captain frowned expecting some sort greeting, but walked around the table and sat down as well.

    Pirate Captain able to better look took it in. He found the man in front of him amazing. His hair pulled into a ponytail and he wore the same thing as he always does. Maybe he shouldn’t dressed as fancy he did?

    “ Hey Pirate Captain stop staring it’s creepy man!”

     “ heh Sorry its just you look very stunning tonight Bellamy !”

    “ You know Bellamy I very much admire your tactic of piracy ! Would you mind telling me a bit about it ? Not very detail of course I don't want you thinking I’m trying to steal your tactics of course”

    That caused Black Bellamy to look up face flushed full of confusion. Didn’t Pirate Captain realize this was a dare and nothing more ?

    Black Bellamy didn’t know how to respond no-ever ask him about his tactics let alone asked him anything about himself. It nice and that smile Pirate Captain was wearing it ,was kinda cute.

    His eyes winded. Cute he just thought Pirate Captain’s smile was cute ?! Jesues, he needed to order and get out of here now.

    “Pardon me, but may I take your order gentlemen?”

    The waiter must have come without him noticing shit.

    “ Would you like to go first Bellamy?”

    Of course that idiot was going to ask him that.

    “ Yes, I’ll have the steak medium rare.” The waiter took down the order and looked at Pirate Captain expectantly awaiting his order.

    “ I will just have the cheeseburger and a side of fries please and thank you!”

    The waiter smiled and wrote down his orders and bid them farewell.

    “ Dude, did you just say ‘please and thank you’?

    “Of Course Bellamy you get more flies with honey you know! You should try it when the waiter comes back.

    ellamy raised his eyebrows. “Yeah, I think I'm good bro.”

    “Would you like to walk with me on the beach after this?”

    “What?” Is he serious right now?

    “I said would you like to-” “I heard what you said! You know, let's blow this place and just do that? Sound good, let's go!”

    “Before he voice his opinion Bellamy grabbed him a mischievous grin and both ran out the door. Bellamy and Captain kept running till they reached the beach and began to walk. It was beautiful the sunset gorgeous even though it was short lived. Bellamy grabbed Pirate Captain by the arm pushed them under the pier. Then cornered him on a pole.

    So you say you admire me, hmm? Then prove it Pirate Captain! I don't believe this whole scene you put up.” He smirked, thinking he won but was proven very wrong.

    Pirate Captain, grabbed Bellamy by the arms, forcing him to the pole he once was cornered him. He then roughly Pushed him on it digging his knee between Bellamy’s thighs and kissing him, forcing his own tongue into Bellamy’s mouth.

    To Bellamy’s own surprise he enjoyed it. Pirate Captain tasted of cheap rum and his hands wandering around his body. He had barely stopped himself from moaning it felt so good. He slowly shut his eye’s to enjoy the rest of the kiss when Pirate Captain. Pirate Captain pulled away licking his lips.

    He then Leaned down to his ear and whispered.

    “How about we finish this on my ship?”

A pirate Bellamy RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now