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I look at myself in the mirror, and I'm not happy with what I see.

There's no fucking way I can go out like this.

"DUFF!" I scream to make sure he'll hear me, and he does.

He rushes into our bathroom like there might be a murderer waiting just inside the door.

"What?!" he says exasperatedly, clutching his shirt in his hands. He doesn't have any pants on.

"Look what you fucking did to me! I can't go out like this!" I whine and look at myself again.

From behind my ear, trailing all the way down my neck, over my breast, and down my stomach to my crotch was a line of dark purple hickeys.

There was no way I could wear the dress I pulled out, and Duff thinks it's funny.

He stands there looking at me, laughing like it's the funniest thing he's seen in his life.

I chuck my can of hairspray at his head and miss him by a few inches.

"What? You look fucking hot, babe. No one will even notice." he says.

My eyes nearly pop out of their socket. "No one will fucking notice?! Have you seen these?!" I ask him, pointing to the darkest of the love bites. "They're the color of a fucking eggplant!"

Duff's still laughing, and I want to punch him. "You weren't complaining about it when you were getting them." he argues.

I grab the cover up from my make up kit, hoping I can cover them at least a little bit.

"I can't believe this." I mutter as Duff watches me go to work on the purple marks.

"Hey, at least everyone will know your mine." he jokes.

I stop applying the cover up. "No they won't, because I'm covering them up!" I shoot back.

It takes me a good half hour and a wardrobe change to cover the hideous purple hickeys. I had to wear my hair down and pick a dress with a high neckline to cover the marks. All in all, you couldn't see them unless I was in the light.

Duff's hand rests on the small of my back as we walk down the steps of our apartment.

Before I can start walking down the street, I feel Duff's body against my backside, hugging me from behind.

His lips kiss the soft spot behind my ear. "Are you sure you still wanna go out? I can call the guys and tell them we aren't coming." he tries.

"No, Duff. No matter how much we want to, we can't spend all night inside doing it. I know you thought you had a chance since you marked me all up, but it's not happening" I answer with a tinge of humor in my voice. I pry him off of me as he clings to me like a sad puppy.

"Come on" I tell him, and I feel his hand slap my ass as I walk past him.

We were going out to dinner at a fancy place right down the street that served Italian. Plus, it was right down the street from our house and the Whisky, so we didn't have to go far. Now that we were both making a little bit more money, we could afford nicer places.

We walk hand in hand, and like a true gentleman, Duff holds the door open for me.

"Thank you." I smile, and he kisses my lips once more.

"Anytime, beautiful." he flirts.

"How many?" The host asks.

"Just two." Duff says, and the host stops.

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