Chapter 10

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"Cheers to the beautiful couple, we are more than happy for you." Cassie and Diddy both raising their glasses. "I just wanted to say that I am more than blessed, I have the most amazing woman I have ever come across besides my mumma of course." Trey said putting his arm across April and I. "We are more than glad to have Trey enter our crazy family and wish nothing but the best for you both." Nik, my mother and father proceeded. "Can we eat already, I haven't ate since this morning." "Forrest, shush your mouth boy." April smacked his hand. "Anyway everyone dig in, I'm gonna steal B away for a couple minutes." Trey said grabbing my hand. He smiled at me "Ell, I have a surprise for you. A little early wedding present." Pulling me outside I see this beautiful all black Maserati with pink interior. "No you didn't, no you didn't, Tremaine." I jumped on him kissing his face. "Yes I did, it's all yours beautiful. Wanna test drive it?" He said with a slick smile on his face. "Y'all ain't going nowhere boy, especially after I prepared this dinner for you two. Now get back inside." April said dragging us back in the house. "Now ya grumma coming over too, so y'all gotta stay." We spent the rest of the day, listening to April and grandma Rose telling old stories about Trey and Forrest. "I'd like to thank everyone for coming over and enjoying one of the most important days with us before the most important day, you are utterly amazing and the true definition of family. We love you and all, but we need some sleep." I said before going upstairs to change in my pajamas. Trey came behind me and whispered in my ear "you wanna break in the new car?" "Babe I promise you first thing in the morning, i'm so exhausted. I'm sorry baby." I said kissing his cheek. "It's cool, we got it bright and early." 


"Who's been blowing your phone up all morning babe?" Brielle rolled over to me. "I have no idea, it's a blocked number. They would've left a message if it was that important." I said getting up to get a shower. "You wanna join me?" "I never break a promise." She said running to the bathroom. "Even though i'd love to stay in bed all day with you, we have a busy day ahead of us. We have an radio interview at 11 and a meeting with a Realtor to look a new place we were talking about." She said putting on her pink dress that I love her in. "Now how you gon do that to me, when you know I love you in that dress." I said kissing her neck. "Tremaine Aldon Neverson, get your ass dressed i'll be waiting in the car. "Screaming down the hall "Ow, I love it when you act feisty baby." I love when we take car rides with each other; all we do is sing at the top of our lungs old love songs from back in the day. "And here we have the lovely couple, Tremaine Neverson better known as Trey Songz and the lovely Brielle Nicole. How are you two today?" The interviewer said. "We couldn't be better, we have most of the wedding plans sorted out, we're looking for a new place after this I've never been any happier." "All the females out there are pretty jealous of you Brielle, how does it feel to have one of the most wanted men in the world?" She laughed. "I'm honored to know out of all the women in the world, he picked me. I'm very blessed." "I'm sure he feels the same exact way. Every ones dying to know how did yous meet?" "Nobody knows this but, my mother was a client of Ells, I was going through some legal troubles from back in the day and she told me I had to go to this lawyer she knows and that we would be perfect for each other. She told me all about her, and I knew that I had to see her for myself." Brielle cut me off "Wait a minute, your mother was supposed to come in the one day and she told me something came up and that you'd be coming in instead. I didn't know she was setting us up." "She is slick, shes my mother of course. But what she didn't tell me was that you would be so hard to get." I said laughing. "So you mean to tell me that not even your Fiancee knew that your mother set yous up." The reported laughed. "Nope, she didn't either. Brielle was stubborn at first like usual, she knew what I was about at the time and she wasn't having it. I remember the first time I came in with flowers for her she told me to save the corny pick up lines, and the smiles. I knew I had to have her, I couldn't take no for an answer. I started sending flowers every Monday, singing corny songs to her. It was a challenge, and if anybody knows me they know I love a challenge. I knew on the first date that I was gonna marry her as cliche as that sounds." I kissed her forehead. "On your first date where did you go?" "I knew her best friend Cassie for years, I called her to see what Brielle would like. She told me she loves creativity. I took a lot of time planning this date, I knew I had to make it different than any other date i've ever been on. I knew I had to go big. I got an ice skating rink shut down for the night, we went ice skating and I set up a picnic with a carriage ride down the park way, it started to snow so we sat at a coffee shop and talked to hours. I knew I had her after this." "I've never seen anyone look at someone the way you two do, you make the whole room light up and it feels like the whole world is at peace. I truly wish you nothing but the best, you deserve each other. Sorry ladies but you've heard it here first, Trey Songz will definitely no longer be on the market. Thank you for coming out, I really enjoyed seeing both of you." We hugged everyone and said our goodbyes. 


"I really enjoyed that interview, thanks for telling me about your mom T." I said jokingly shoving him. "We never really talked about it." He said laughing at me. We finally got to the relator office. "So what kind of place are you looking for do you want to stay in New York? Or do you want to go back to VA?" James said to us. "Well i've lived in New York for so long that I never really thought about that, we have a home in VA so I don't think we need another one. I'm from Greece, I grew up there. I moved here when I was 23, I have a home there also. Its up to you Trey what do you want to do? Do you want to stay in New York or do you want to go somewhere else?" "I think we should stay here, you have your firm here, Nik just got a place here. We have a place in VA, a place in LA as well as your place in Greece, I think we're set on houses babe." "Well if you are staying here, I have this beautiful place looking over the sky line, times sqaure isn't too far away either if you would like that. It has 10 bedrooms, 12 bathrooms, a indoor pool, with a spa. You can change anything up as well." James said showing us pictures. "Thats beautiful. I love it, what do you think babe?" "Deal. We'll take it." Trey said pulling out his check book. "But you haven't even it seen it in person yet sir." James said looking at Trey like he had ten heads. "Brielle loves it, so I do too." He said with confidence. "I'll draw the papers up and the place is all yours." "This is so surreal, I can't believe we're actually doing this. I never thought we'd be here right now." I said putting my arms around Trey. "Well believe it, anything you want I got it taken care of." 

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