Spainsh Class Part.1

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Marvin POV

Even though I've known Jazz for 3 months now I still get nervous when I'm around her. Especially during Choir Class, because when ever she sings she sounds like an angel.

Jazz POV

Its been officially 3 months since I've been at this new school. So far I have met this amazing guy named Marvin. I'm pretty sure that he likes me because when I first met him he kept on biting his lip. Also he is an awesome singer. Even though he gets builled a lot he still is super sweet.

Marvin POV

Today I was walking to class with Jazz (since we have the exact same schedule) some jock spilled coffee on my pants. I felt so embrassed because Jazz stood there and started to laugh at me.

Jazz POV

I didn't mean to laugh at Marvin when my crush ( Mike) spilled coffee on Marvin. I immediately stopped laughing and was running to the girls bathroom to get paper towels when I ran into Mike literally. 
He said "Hey don't I have Spanish with you".
I said "Yeah I sit two rows behind you"
Mike said "Well do you want to walk to class with me"
Sure I said.
After that wonderful conversation we walked to class with each other talking about are life.

Marvin POV

I am so hurt. Jazz left me in the hallway by myself to suffer and to get trampled over by the entire football team. Ugh. I hate my life. Anyway I finally got to Spanish without being late. But once when I got there guess who I saw flirting with my exfriend Mrs.Jasmine.  Yes that's right my crush is flirting with my exfriend. And she already knows that he was the person that created the rumor about me but she still flirts with him.

Jazz POV

I was in the middle of talking to Mike when I noticed Marvin staring at me. I guess Marvin saw me looking at him because he suddenly flipped me off and ran in the hallway crying. I felt so bad because I know how much Mike hurt Marvin. So I told Mike and my Spanish teacher  that I had to go to my locker and ran off to chase my best friend.

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