You What!?!

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-6 Months Later-

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

“Hello” I groaned from my sleep in fricken 5 o'clock in the morning

“Heyy Leila, sorry to wake you but we’re moving to L.A” Luke told me

“What why” I said unbelievable

“Leila i'm sorry we just got a job because of our videos we made and it went popular on youtube. Leila i'm so sorry, please don't be mad at me i didn't know any of this, only the boys did” He pleaded

“It's fine um just have fun okay and don't forget about me” i said

“Okay. Ill let you get your beauty sleep okay and i'll come over to say bye” he said then i mumbled a okay then hung up and went back to sleep.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

I heard someone knocking then ringing the doorbell. I groaned really loud being irritated. So i took my lazy self down the stairs with my messy hair with a t-shirt and pajama pants. I opened the door and Luke hugged me out of surprise because i lost my balance when he charged at me then realization struck me. I forgot Luke is leaving.

“Leila could you please come with us to the airport please” He begged

“Okay. Hold on I gotta change. Just get all the boys in the house while i get ready” I told him

“Okay then. Hey guys Leila said to get out and come in, she gotta get ready then we can leave” the boys replied with a grumble because they know how i am

When I got upstairs i heard a lot of footsteps then got ready. I just changed my pants and brush my teeth and put my hair up in a bun then walked back down.

“Are you guys hungry?” I asked

“Im hun-” Daniel was cut off by Beau slapping him on the back of his head. Poor Daniel so i walked to Beau and slapped him on the arm.

“So Daniel you said you were hungry?” i asked again

“Yes Leila I am” He said glaring at Beau “What's for breakfast though?”

“Either Pancakes or French Toast. Unless I'll just make both yeah?” I thought

“Yeah maybe both because i’m dying for food” he laughed and i nodded

“Anybody else gonna eat? Well how bout this. Did you guys eat?” i asked and they nodded No but they said no need

“I don't care i'm cooking and that's that. Got it?” i said raising my eyebrows

When i finished making their food they all ate and rested by the island table.

“Okay guys i'm ready to go now” they nodded and got in my car because well they called a friend to drop them off here.

When we stop by the airport i got out to hug them goodbye.

So i walked towards Daniel and hugged him

“Daniel I’ll miss you so much. Please visit and take care of each other” He cried the i walked towards Beau and hugged

“Beau you better take care of them and be good to them okay?” i whispered and he teared a little then i let go and walked to Luke

“Luke please be good to Beau and no more trouble and help eachother out okay?” i hugged him and he cried but nodded anyway when i whispered to him.

Last but not least I walked to Jai looking away from me and i hugged him tightly. He tensed but soon softened.

“Jai?” i said and he started to cry hard “Please don't do anything you will regret. Please don't become the person you don't tend to be or not want to be. Just keep doing what you're doing. I know what we had was something but just know that I do love you if it makes it any better okay? I'm not saying it just to calm you down, i'm saying it just to make you feel better and to always remember” i cried harder “i love you Jai” he hugged me really hard to never let go just yet and enjoy this last moment. “I love you too” Jai told me which made my heart pound harder making my heart crush seeing him in tears

Jai’s P.O.V
It hurt me knowing Leila never hugged me yet. I just wanted to run away from it.

I felt someone hug me and to my realization it was Leila. The moment I have been waiting for.

“Jai?” Leila’s voice called “Please don't do anything you will regret. Please don't become the person you don't tend to be or not want to be. Just keep doing what you're doing. I know what we had was something but just know that I do love you if it makes it any better okay? I'm not saying it just to calm you down, i'm saying it just to make you feel better and to always remember” i cried harder just like her “i love you Jai” She told me so i hugged her really hard enjoy this last moment with my baby girl. “I love you too” I replied back knowing i'll probably never get to see her again. Hugging her felt like old times and it still crushes me seeing her in tears.
She let go and backed up.

We all did a group hug and said our goodbyes. We walked to get our ticket then hopped on our plane and flew to L.A. I loved her so much and it still pained me. I'll see her someday.

Leila’s P.O.V
After our last goodbye i cried all the way home. It was hard for me to say goodbye, especially when we are all close to eachother. I just miss them but I know for sure that i'll see them soon.

Is this forever or never? • Jai Brooks FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now