Petra X Tree

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Petra turned around slowly to face the large beast.

The Female Titan.

It had a bloody-thirsty look in it's eye as it went to grab the small woman.

Petra quickly turned around and followed the rest of her squad in fright, into a deep forest.

Suddenly one tree caught her eye. It was the most beautiful tree she had ever seen. It's large tan trunk and bright green leaves made Petra fall in love.

"HURRY UP PETRA" shouted Eren from the front of the squad.
Petra and her horse galloped up to the front of the pack.

But alas the female Titan was also gaining on them. The squad tried to take her down but in the end it was suicide.

Petra gasped at her closest friends hanging from their 3DMG wires or on the ground, being surrounded by a pool of blood.

She knew she'd die sooner or later.

She galloped back out of the forest, separating from the squad.

She jumped off her horse and ran towards her only love.

Suddenly she felt something push her forward and she hit the tree with such force that she died.

She died in her lovers arms.

Or shall I say branches.

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