[Chapter Nineteen]

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Chapter Nineteen

Alex's hands tighten around my face, "keep your eyes closed," he demands.

Despite the fact he can't see me, I still enjoy the feeling of rolling my eyes at him. I don't think it matters if I have my eyes closed or open, he's got a pretty good seal over my face.

"My eyes are closed." I try to hold back a groan and the urge to stomp my foot.

Patience isn't one of my finest virtues, neither is being left in the dark. I dislike surprises too, I should have specified that in the fine print of the contract.

The one arm Alex has wrapped around my waist squeezes my body to his, which prevents me from walking. The silence is disturbed from Alex chuckling, his hot breath fans past my ear, sending strings of ticklish feelings crawling down my spine.

"Then why does it feel like you're peeking?" he asks.

"I can't help that." I shrug my shoulders. "I should be the suspicious one, I' being led astray."

Alex just laughs, promises me that we'll be there soon. But that's what they all say, I know it means otherwise.  

"Are we almost there?" Wherever he's taking me, it's getting cold. The wind is going straight through me, spending shivers down my spine.

"Patience," he warns, "we'll be there soon enough."

Just as I go to say something, the next step is cold, the sand seeps into my shoes and goes in between my toes.

"How did we get here?" I'm baffled! I haven't heard anything to alert me we're near the beach. I would have thought I'd hear the sound of the water crashing against the beach front, but nothing.

"Why are we at the beach?" I ask. "I thought we were going to a restaurant?"

"I said I would take you out for dinner at my favourite place," he says in a 'matter of fact' voice.

"Right." I smile.

"Sometimes I like to go down to the beach and relax. Think about things, open my mind to new things. When I'm blocked up, this is a great process for me." Alex takes my hand and pulls me along with him, further down the beach.

"Does it work?" I ask.

Alex stops walking, turns to face me, "it does work for me." He shrugs his shoulders, nodding his head in the process. "The label must love the random stuff."

"That's true." Alex wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me to his side. We continue to walk down to the shoreline.

When we're a bit closer, Alex sits down and I do the same thing. I'm not the biggest fan on sand, but I enjoy sitting next to Alex.

"Do you know what I like to do on the beach?"

"What?" I raise an eyebrow.

"This." One minute he's sitting next to me, and then laying on the ground stretched out like an angel.

He parts the soft sand behind me. I'm hesitant, but I lay down next to him. The cold sand feels amazing under my fingertips, but horrible in my hair.

"What happens next?" I giggle.

"Just relax."

I snuggle closer to his chest, keeping my eyes closed. I'm not sure how to open my mind, but I restrain myself from thinking about the millions of things I need to do, and just tap into the sound of the water crashing against the shore.

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