[Chapter Fifty Nine]

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Chapter Fifty Nine

I hear the sound of Alex's voice yelling in the distance, it becomes extremely loud when the bedroom door slams open and his body comes rushing through the frame and flying through the air. He lands on the spare space next to me. His body bounces slightly from the impact, but he doesn't seem phased. He rolls onto his side and props his head up with his arm.

"Time to wake up," he cheers loudly.

I rub my eyes groggily and shift to prop my back up with the pillows. I tug on the blanket and pull it closer around my body and underneath my chin. Being wrapped up in my blanket all snuggly makes the idea of leaving bed harder.

"Good morning beautiful," he sings in his husky voice. Alex is full of crazy beans and alive with so much energy. He waggles his eyebrows and begin pulling funny faces in a way to amuse me. And it does, I have to hide my big grin from his sight.

"Why are you so chirpy this morning?" I moan, and where did all my energy go? Just last night he seemed ready to curl up in a ball and possibly start therapy sessions – and now he's like a child on sugar rush, waiting to play on the bouncy castle.

"We have an interview this morning," he reminds me, "and I'm really excited for it."

"Out of anything to be excited for, it's this?" I giggle, "You sure are strange!"

Alex shrugs his shoulders, "I just really like interviews. You can have civil conversations with people about your career and maybe even talk to fans."

"Okay?" I smile.

I hope this interview will bring a better outcome. I did enjoy the last interview, but I didn't appreciate the girl crawling all over Alex in front of me. I hope we have a male interviewee this time around – then I won't have to worry about little girls hitting on my boyfriend.

"What's with that face?" Alex questions.

"What face?" I frown.

"You're turning green, why is that?" He laughs, "Are you getting jealous of something?" A playful expression consumes his face and makes my stomach churn with nerves.

"I'm not jealous." But I know my face is giving me away, it always seems to do that.

He takes my hand in his and begins to rub his thumb over the top of my hand in a soothing gesture. Alex stares into my eyes and warmly smiles up at me.

"I thought we could announce our relationship today." A shy smile appears on his face, "And then everyone will know you are mine." My heart swoons at the mentioning of Alex wanting to share our relationship to the world, that's really sweet of him. He's a tiny bit possessive, but less than an alpha male.

"I think that would be a good idea. We can finally put to rest all of those questions."

"Ava's also picked out your outfit," he informs me.

The news excites me, Ava finds some really cute clothing but I'm also worried about what it is. Sometimes the best clothing is a pair of jeans and a random shirt.

"Do you know what it is?" I ask.

"I'll show you, I'm not very good at describing girly stuff." He quickly shuffle off the bed and walks out of the room, only to shortly return with a small neat stack of clothing in his right hand.

"This." He throws the pile of clothing and it lands almost in front of me. I stretch forwards and grab the clothing so I can examine it closer. There's a white crop top with black flowers. The skirt is a soft cotton material with a simple dot pattern cut out of it. Teaming up with the outfit is a pair of black stockings, velvet heels, pinky hand bag and a simple black mask.

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