Chapter 2: Explanations

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"So wait," Arnan said, "if you are who you say you are, then why was the Dragonian Guard chasing you?"

"And why," I asked, "did you hide from them?"

"Well," Elwyn said, "those are some excellent questions...all will be answered in time."

Arnan and I looked at each other with curiosity in our eyes. We barely knew this guy...yet he seems to know us as if we were the best of friends for years. We turned back to him to see him staring blankly at the sky.

"Um Elwyn," I asked "are you okay?"

"Oh Elana," he replied "I am never okay." Then he continued down the road without another word. Arnan looked at me and shrugged.

As we followed, Arnan pulled me aside. "Elana wait," He said "don't you find it weird that we're following a guy who's hiding from the Dragonian Guard, not to mention that he was following us from Wythehil's place. What was he doing there?"

I was puzzling the same questions when I noticed Elwyn had disappeared again!

"Oh bugger," Arnan exclaimed "where'd he go this time?"

Arnan and I searched for Elwyn amongst the trees, the wind beginning to quicken which would have been normal was perfectly calm literally a second ago!

"Something fowl is afoot." Arnan said

"Come off the road," Elwyn said from a nearby tree "hurry!"

Arnan and I looked up, which was what made our hearts stop. Where clear sky and blue was just seconds ago, storm clouds were darkening the mid-day light, turning it to an ominous purple hue. "Yeah that's definitely not good news." I said

"Hurry," Elwyn exclaimed "before it's too late!"

Normally I would've been very trusting, but Elwyn is so...odd.

"Why should we trust you?" Arnan asked

"Arnan please," Elwyn said, the fear now showing on his face "It's either you trust me or die!"

"What do you mean die," I asked "We aren't going to move until you tell us what's going on, what's gotten into you Elwyn?"

"OK fine," Elwyn said "My father was killed last spring, on a day similar to this one, the day was calm and bright, and then the sky darkened. It wasn't until HE showed up that the Guard knew what was happening."

The wind picked up, louder and stronger to the point where I thought it would blow me away. The sky turned from the light purple to an almost black one.

"Elwyn, until who came?" I asked


BANG!!! A volt of purple lightning struck the lone tree in the middle of Haku's Hollow, splitting it in two and charring it black. Where it had struck, amongst the rubble, a giant black and purple bear, the size of a large carriage, rose, still smoking from the impact.

"It's too late, He's found me!!!" Elwyn screamed.

The Creature with its massive head swinging to and fro as if looking for something suddenly heard the shout and turned its head towards us and began lumbering in our direction. When it caught sight of us, it smiled, or made as much of a smile as a bear could. It picked up speed. It was fast, faster than any bear in all of the Five Relms.

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