Chapter 5: Nolol the Dragon

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As we continued on down the hallway, towards our destination, I began to wonder about what I saw in the strange pendant. Was it a shadow of things to come or a shadow of things that may be? How and why did it show me such a horrid scene, one that would possibly haunt me for the rest of my life. I made a mental note to ask Hershesh about it later.
When we reached the end of the hallway, Arnan stopped, looking blank. When he didn't move on, I snuck a glance around his shoulder to look at what was before us: A door with the magnificent carving of a dragon flying around the frame, looking rather fierce yet playful at the same time. The door itself was made of some weird silverish wood that I didn't recognize, which brought another question to my mind.
Before I realized I had dazed out, I turned to Arnan to find he was looking at me, mouthing something I couldn't hear.
"What was that?" I asked
"Honestly Elana," Arnan said "you are getting worse and worse with the distracted mind thing you do, I said this door looks promising. If you aren't going to be useful then go and play with that pendant you found."
I grew angry at this. Clearly it wasn't a toy, but I will admit it intrigued me as to how it got there in the first place. I took it off from around my neck and held it in my hand. What was once full of color and light a second ago was now a lifeless piece of flat black stone. It mysteriously looked like an eye. It made me wonder yet again how it got there and who it belonged to at the time, yet another question to ask Hershesh. Actually come to think of it, with each passing moment, more questions kept popping into my head.
Suddenly, I heard a click in the room. The sound echoed down the hallway. I didn't understand what it was or where it came from. It wasn't long though before I realized what had happened. Where the passageway we went down was, a wall blocked the way. It was strange. I felt a sudden change in the air and a fresh grassy breeze reached us in the hallway. It was coming from behind the door. This new discovery made me even more anxious to open it.
"I wonder who or what Nolol is." Arnan said.
NOLOL, NOLOL, NOLOL. The sound echoed down the hall. Suddenly we heard another click and the door opened up on a set of stairs going up. The smell was stronger. Arnan looked at me and shrugged. He proceeds to walk up the stairs. Shortly I followed and what I saw amazed me almost to years.
We were in the middle of a grove of trees, all the colors of fall. In the midst of the trees, a shrine could be seen. In one corner, what appeared to be a mountain dominated the trees. A waterfall cascaded down it's side, ending in a large pool. And in the pool: A giant silver dragon.
"woah!" Arnan said
I just stared at it. Suddenly, it woke up and peered at us, golden-violet gaze ever watching. He opened his mouth and bellowed, "Who dares disturb the slumber of Nolol?"
Arnan and I look at each other in shock, for we had found Nolol.

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