chapter one

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"I think the surgery needs a visit from you. You're about sixteen, aren't you?"

I scoffed as my mother stirred milk into the teacup.

"I'm completely fine, Mum," I sat near the island inside of our new home. "They're just going to say the same old thing American doctors say. They just want our money."

"Indie, darling, it's just a small visit. I'll set it up tomorrow-"

"Then I have to go to school late-"

"You're making a lot of excuses right now."

I rolled my eyes, sighing loudly.

"Why don't we get out today? Do something new? We're in a new city-"

"In a new country where we don't know anyone!"

My mother sighed as she rubbed her temples.


"Mira-" My mother gives me the 'motherly' look.

"Indira, just try. You may never know-"

"Unless you seek. I get it Mum! I really do, I just wish we never had to leave."

Marsha Johnson walked over to her slumped daughter's body, and wrapped her arms around me.

"I know this is a tough move for you, Magpie. And I'm sorry to have to put you through this. I really am, sweetheart. But what we're not going to do is sit here and sulk for the next few years-"

"YEARS?!" I accidentally shrieked at my mother,
respectfully regretting it. She straightened up.

"I don't know what film you thought you were in. But get it together. Get dressed and take your arse down. You need them records for school, darling."

The young girl frowned again, slowly sliding herself off of the lounge chair her mother already had shipped over.

"At least our furniture still smells like home."

"Sweetheart, this is home now. Get used to it." Marsha's phone began to ring. She walked out of the room, her mouth already in a firm line.

"I'll never get used to this.."

as you can see, I was torn on whether to go into first person or third person. whichever y'all like better, ill do :)

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