7: I've Got You

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[Just awhile earlier at the Minkus household. Lily is upstairs in her room doing her homework, while Farkle and Smackle are downstairs making dinner, when there is a loud knock on the door.]

Farkle looks over at Smackle with a confused look. "Were you expecting anyone?"

Smackle shakes her and answers, "no."

"Huh," Farkle huffs. "I'll go see who it is."

"Hello," Farkle greets, as he opens the door. "Holy shit," he whispers to himself, once his eyes meets the figure in front of him.

Farkle stands frozen still, as he stares at the place where just seconds before Ayla had stood in front of him. Her hair ratted. One of her eyes, purple and swollen shut. A mixture of blood and tears running down her face.

As soon as he realizes that Ayla had ran inside of his house he dashes into the kitchen.

"Where the hell is my phone. Isadora, do you know where I put my phone?" Farkle shouts, as he frantically tears up the room in search of his phone.

Smackle grabs a hold of Farkle's trembling hands. "What's going on? Who was at the door, Farkle?"

Farkle stops and looks into Smackles eye. "Lily's new friend, Ayla. She's here. She's covered in blood. I need my phone. We need to call the police."

Smackle's heart drops in her chest. "You find your phone and I'll go upstairs and see what happened," she declares.

[A few minutes earlier. Lily is quietly studying in her room, when someone barges through the door.]

"Ayla, what happened?" Lily asks, as she jumps out of her seat and runs over to her friend.

Ayla collapses on the ground, to which which Lily responds by sitting down and wrapping her arms and legs tightly, yet gently around Ayla's fragile body.

Lily sits there silently, as Ayla sobs into her shoulder.

A few minutes go by before Smackle appears in the doorway, and tears instantly forms in the mother's eyes.

She quietly sits next to the two girls and whispers. "Sweetheart, what happened?"

Ayla continues to cry into Lily, so Smackle looks at her daughter for an answer, but Lily purses her lips, to show that she doesn't know what happened.

"Ayla, Sweetie. Please, can you tell us what happened," Smackle softly asks, but again gets no response. "We are calling the cops and they need to know what happened."

"No," Ayla retorts. "Y-you can't tell anyone. He-he'll be mad at me."

"Who will be mad?" Lily inquires.

"My dad," Ayla sniffles.

"Where's your dad?" Smackle questions, as she rubs her hand on the injured girl's back.

Ayla flinches at Smackle's touch, so she immediately retracts her hand.

"Ayla, please answer my mom. Where is your dad?" Lily begs.

"He's a-at o-our house," Ayla answers.

"Where's your house?" Smackle further investigates.

"I-I don't kn-know."

"Is it okay if I leave you two alone for a minute?" Smackle asks.

Lily slightly nods her head in agreement.

Smackle quietly gets up and leaves the room, before she sprints downstairs to find Farkle.

"I found it!" Farkle exclaims. "I found my phone!"

"Call Mr. Matthews," Smackle demands.

"What? Why? We need to call the cops," Farkle argues.

"Her father did this to her and she said that he is still at their house, but she doesn't know her address. Call Cory to see if he can look up her address. He's principal of the high school, so he might be able to go online and look up her information. Then we can call the cops and tell them to go there."

"Okay," Farkle agrees. "What are you doing?"

"I'm calling Riley."

[Meanwhile upstairs.]

"Shh, Ayla. It's okay. You're safe here. He can't hurt you anymore. I won't let him hurt you anymore," Lily whispers into Ayla's ear.

Ayla's cries soon become softer and less frequent and she lifts her head up.

"Good," Lily smiles. "I've got you."

"The moon," Ayla utters.

"What about it?"

"You left it on."

"Oh yeah, I guess I forgot to turn it off the other day you were here."

"You should turn it off," Ayla states.


"Because it's light is gone," Ayla sniffles.

Lily pulls away from Ayla, making her look up into her friends eyes. "Ayla, even when you can't see the moon, it's still lit up. You just have to wait a little while before you can see it's light again."

Ayla slightly smiles and hugs Lily.

A few minutes of silence go by again, as the two girls embrace each other.


"Yes, Ayla?"

"Sometimes love doesn't find to you. Sometimes you have to find to love."

A/N: Wow, four updates in one day. I'm really enjoying writing this story. I hope that you guys are liking it so far.

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