2: Baby Talk

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[Riley, Maya, Cory, Topanga, Auggie and Ava are all gathered at Topanga's for an important announcement.]

"I'm pregnant!"

"We-we're going to be grandparents," Cory happily whispers to himself, as he grabs a hold of Topanga's hand.

"I can't believe it," Topanga smiles, as tears well up in her eyes from hearing the good news.

"My little brother is growing up so fast," Riley exclaims, taking Auggie into a hug.

"We weren't really planning on having a baby until after I was done with law school, but I have to admit that this is a happy surprise," Ava announces.

"Well I'm sure that you and Auggie are going to be wonderful parents," Maya says.

[Later that night, Maya is sitting alone in the bay window when Riley comes into their bedroom.]

Riley sits down next Maya at the bay window. "Hey, what are you up to?" She asks.

Maya snaps out of her thoughts. "Oh, uh... just thinking."

"About anything in particular?"

"I don't know... Isn't it crazy that Auggie and Ava are going to have a kid?"

Riley furrows her eyebrows together, as she thinks about Maya's question. "Yeah, I guess so," Riley answers, "but I think that they're ready, and I'm sure that they'll be the best parents that they can be."

"We're going to be the only ones," Maya mutters.


"We're going to be the only ones without a kid," Maya says, as she looks up into Riley's eyes.

"Yeah," Riley replies, as she purses her lips.

Maya redirects her eyes to the floor and both are silent for a minute.

After awhile, Riley gently lifts up Maya's chin. "Peaches, are you thinking about-"

"I-I don't know," Maya says, interrupting Riley before she could finish her sentence. "Do you think we would even make good parents?" Maya asks, biting her lip.

"Of course we would. There is so much we could teach her," Riley smiles.


"Or him. I don't know... I just always imagined having a daughter."

"You've thought about having kids?" Maya inquires.

"All the time. We would bring her home on the very first day and she would cry and cry, because she would be so scared, but then somehow you would sing her a lullaby and magically get her to fall asleep. When I would play with her she would laugh, and her laugh would sound like angels singing. She would slowly grow up into a beautiful young women and be gone before we even knew it. But then you and me would be sitting right here and realize that she was the best thing that ever happened to us, and we were glad that we made the decision to have a daughter... so yeah, I've thought about it a little bit," Riley quietly laughs. "Have you ever thought about it?"

Maya shakes her head no, but then smiles. "Not until now."

A/N: Shorter, rather uneventful chapter, but now they both have the idea of having a kid running around their head.

Next, back to the classroom, where the story begins...

Also I've decided to start a new book, based on the idea I had the other day. First chapter of that should be out today or tomorrow hopefully...

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