BTS as Joseon Princes

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Imagine you are a princess during the Joseon era and your father lets you choose among the seven princes.
All seven princes asked your hand in marriage. 💍

Crown Prince Seok Jin: The crown prince because he is the oldest. He likes flower arranging and tea ceremonies. He eats a lot and gets in trouble for stealing food in the palace kitchen. He has a handsome face that will make all the court ladies swoon.

How he proposed: he asks you to walk with him in the palace garden and he pulls out a red rose asking you to love him for eternity. 🌹

Prince Namjoon: he is the fourth son and the smartest of all the princes. He enjoys reading at the great library and always gets in trouble for breaking things.

How he proposed: he takes you to the library and hands you a book entitled, Here's My Heart, Don't Break It. He chuckled and confessed his feelings for you. 📚

Prince Yoongi: he is the second son and Jin's brother. He doesn't care about all the political standards of the palace and always gets in trouble because he will say what he wants. He sleeps most of the time under the apple tree in the palace orchard. He likes to write poetry.

How he proposed: He takes you to the apple orchard and reads his poem of how you complete his day. 📝

Prince Hoseok: he is the third son and the funniest of them all. He smiles a lot and is friendly among palace people. He likes traditional dances, parties, and social gatherings.

How he proposed: you were both in a party and watching a traditional dance, he smiles at you and said that he'll dance for you if you say yes. 💃🏻

Prince Jimin: the fifth son and Hoseok's younger brother, he is mostly shy but talkative when you get to know him. He is very skilled in archery and running.

How he proposed: He takes you to the archery arena and showed you how to shot an arrow. You missed the target. He smiled and shot his arrow and it landed on the center, the highest score. "I will never miss a target but I will always miss you." 🎯

Prince Taehyung: the sixth son and the weirdest of them all. He is so handsome that most palace ladies will scout him during their break. He likes animals and is skilled in horseback riding and hunting. He's an adventurer and is always outside. He pranks his other brothers by hiding snakes, spiders, and other insects in their chambers.

How he proposed: you went horseback riding with him and he shows you the most beautiful falls in the kingdom. Then he said. "That falls is nothing compared to your beauty." 🌳🐴

Prince Jungkook: the youngest and the strongest of them all. He wants to take the throne someday and works hard for it. He knows martial arts and is skilled in sword-fighting. He doesn't talk much but can sometimes act immaturely.

How he proposed: you saw him training in sword fighting and challenged him. He's surprised that you're good at it. He easily wins the match and said, "Be my queen and you will never lose." ⚔

Who would you choose??

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