27. A Dream

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Hana POV

I just had the weirdest dream of my life... even if it was true would it be that dramatic?

Am I that dramatic? 

"Hana? Get up! You're gonna be late for your photo shoot!"  Damn it I forgot

"I'm up, let me change fast!" i grab my clothes and brush my hair and teeth.

They look at me weirdly  as I walk out of my room. Do I have something on my face? Am I missing something? Whats wrong?

"Did you sleep well?" hm?

"Yeah I just had the craziest dream" they give me a curious look "Do you want me to tell you about it or something?"  they nod their head yes

"What was it about first?" why are they so interested all of the sudden

"I guess how my future life would be like... it was so dramatic" they laugh a bit

In all honesty it felt so real as if I was living it in real life, did I really live through all that. That's scary

"Well how was your life so dramatic in your dream?" complicated 

"I was transferred to South Korea and my cousin Minho was there and i met Myungsoo the CEO of Infinite Ent. the company I transferred too." they laughed

"Go on.." should i even tell them? "I won't laugh I promise" sure you won't 


"He was a huge flirt and eventually i gave in and we dated... the thing is his mother hated me and she wanted him to be with someone else." they didn't laugh, they actually seemed intrigued. "I got pregnant and we were happy, until his mom decided to get in the way threatening my son's life and mine, so Mary and Aiden helped me disappear. Eventually Minho found out cause I told him. My son was 4 years old by now. The guy I was with still hadn't found us after all those years..." they gasped. 

" Are you serious? How could you leave him like that? Four years and he never got to see his soon or actually meet him... harsh Hana" wow they're super intrigued. 

"Eventually he found me, but I was leaving to England to hide my tracks but he followed me there. Arian my son was super happy to finally meet his dad and I was in shock. We went back to South Korea with him and he knew his mother was behind all of this so he made a plan with the girl his mother wanted him to marry. I felt heart broken because I thought he still loved me,  but he was marrying someone else. Turns out the day of the wedding in front of thousands of people and reports they spilled the truth of what was happening and I left with Arian." i took a deep breath

"Hold on his mother was the one threatening you to leave her soon or she would hurt Arian and you?" i nod yes "Damn what a witch" i laugh at that and then continue

"He caught up to us and i didn't run anymore. I told Arian to go to my friends so I could talk peacefully with Myungsoo. Arian did as I said and Myungsoo and I talked. I cried and cried but he was there. He was always there." i nodded my head indicating I was done

"Damn Hana you had a pretty intense dream." yeah I guess I did. "What if it comes true?" don't play with me 

"Hey I don't want to be running in any danger with my son, if i even had one." they agree and laugh

"I can already imagen you and your little boy. You would honestly be really happy" I don't know 

I shook my head and went into the scene i was suppose to be in. 

It was a weird dream, but if it ever came true, hopefully I can change some things. 

If I ever meet Myungsoo in real life hopefully it won't be as dramatic as in my dream. 

Once my photo shoot is done, I go change into something more comfortable and get my phone. 

I had a few calls and some messages, one of them being Minho. Weird?

'Hana, I'm in New York, let's meet up. Call me when you're free.'     -Minho 

I called him and we agree to meet up later that day. 

I finish my other photo shoots and then head out to the cafe Minho and I always meet in. 

I walk in and he's already there, someone else is at the table with him. I walk towards them and hug Minho. 

"Hana! I missed you, how have you been?" i smile and hug him again

"I missed you! I'm good, how are you?" he smiles back and pulls back.

"Good as always. Oh yeah before I forget. My friend came along with me since he has business in New York." his friend stands up and smiles at me. "Hana meet Myungsoo, Myungsoo meet my lovely cousin Hana" he extends his hand out to shake and i do the same

"Nice to meet you Hana.  I hope we become good friends" he has a smirk on his face

I'm still dreaming, right?

Hi guys this is the end of my story! Finally finished it after so long. Hopefully you enjoyed it and thank you so much for sticking around! I appreciate every single one of you! Love you all! 

Take care

Susy <3 

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