[3] : Chatting and Whatsapp

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I arrived at the bathroom, and immediately ran to the sink. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was flustered. I need to start calming down in front of Levi! I washed some water over my face to cool me off.

After a while of pacing around in the toilets and reassuring myself, I came out.

I walked down the halls, only to see Levi talking with Natsumi. Levi said "Hi!" and I nodded with approval. I also noticed that his cheeks were slightly pink. He looked away, as his blush gradually increased again. The butterflies in my stomach were acting high now.

"Hello" Said a voice, no other than Natsumi. Her voice was kind of deep, but calm. A shiver ran up my spine. "Hello!" and gave a nervous smile.

This was getting awkward so I decided to walk on wards. I realised Natsumi was also following us. Levi must of allowed her to. "Sorry about earlier" I began, to Levi.

"It's fine, really, I must have made you feel uncomfortable, I'm the one who should be sorry" I looked at Levi for a second, to which he looked at me as well. His eyes were kinda big. (XD)

Normal pov:

A cough was heard behind of you and Levi. "I'm sorry, to disturb you" And Levi and I turned around, "I was wondering about where to go for my lessons. I was wondering if you could show me- if not, you don't have to if you don't want to" Natsumi said.

You smiled gently at her. "Its ok, we'll show you around. Won't we Levi?" You said wanting to be on good terms with her. "Yeah" Levi replied to my question. Natsumi smiled. 'That's actually the first time I've seen her smile!' You thought.

'I have a feeling all of those previous occurrences mean nothing, and I think we'll get along well!'

Or so you think...


The day is over, and its actually been quite fun. From judging someone by their looks, all the way to enjoying each other's company. Natsumi may seem distant and emotional on the outside, but once you get to know her, she's really nice. Its been a few hours since school has ended. I opened up my phone. 7:30 it said. I opened up Whatsapp. I've also added her to my contacts because I see us becoming good friends.


*Levi Ackerman

*Natsumi Ashwood

*Levi, Natsumi



*Family group chat

I sent Levi a message:

Levi Ackerman

→hey Levi! What's up? Wanna chat about Snk, or anything?

The message displayed.
I waited a few secs for him to pick up. As usual, the two ticks went off, indicating he was on his phone:


I waited for the the ticks to turn blue. They didn't.

Just to be sure, I sent him another message.

→hello Levi? U there?


.Still no reply. Oh maybe he's busy doing homework or something. Wait- hold on, we're in the same classes as each other. We didn't get any homework today..


. Maybe he's doing something. I'll message him later.


"Yawn!" I'm getting tired. I looked at my clock. 21:30

I opened up my phone.


I checked the chat again.


Hmm... I wonder what's happening. He's been on his phone all this time but hasn't picked up. Let me just notify him again.

-> Hello? You available?





-> Um, you gonna reply or what?





I started to get impatient. Maybe he's online talking to someone else. Maybe he can't reply cause he's super busy. Normally Levi would tell me why. Maybe he's talking to Natsumi? The thing is, Levi and I have become friends with her since break time. We even added her to our contacts! I sent Natsumi a message.

-> Hey! Wanna chat?





The same response as Levi. Oh so your on your phone as well. Maybe Levi and her are talking to each other. And they couldn't even go into group chat so we could all talk together. 

(A/N- Don't you just hate it when you're on Whatsapp, you send someone a message, the blue ticks appear, which means they've read it, but ignored you?)

I closed my phone, because there is no point waiting around for him to reply. I sighed. I'll guess I'll find out tomorrow. I put my phone on my bedside table and went to sleep.

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