17. 別れの時がやって来ました - Wakare no toki ga yattekimashita

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It's time to say goodbye.

They are beautiful.

Humans, I mean. I've never truly understood what it means to be human and honestly, I don't think I will ever be able to. Everything I thought I knew immediately gets thrown out the window to be replaced with things that felt as confusing as shuriken projectile equations. The mid-summer breeze fluttered past, in its invisible hands a brush dipped in the chill of autumn. Strands of coal black hair tickled the end of my nose and my cheeks as I crouched, waiting for the chunin guards stationed at the Hokage faces to switch out. They switch out at midnight, and I have only thirty minutes to get through.

It seemed like forever, but it was finally time. Just as a ninja with cropped blue hair jumped down I bolted silently down the cliff-face. The rocks cut my palms, but I payed no mind. Kakashi's house was in the eastern district - the most populated part of Konoha at night. That factor would make it significantly easier or harder depending on how the future decides to unravel. My feet quickly pushed my body forwards as I bolted to the copy nin's home. The closer I got, the more anxiety bubbled in my chest. If I saw him... would I be able to leave? If he caught me, would he convince me? I silently thanked the gods that Naruto didn't have the scroll. If he did, I don't think I would be able to keep myself from staying. That blonde was always so bright, and I learned so much from him. For Naruto, being human meant getting up each time you fall.

Dust skillfully was shaped into a key as I pressed my palm to the lock. I turned it, opening the door to meet a dark apartment. My gaze drifted over all the details, from pictures to a shelf full of perverted books. The scroll, I reminded myself. I sighed soundlessly as I spun on the ball of my heel to survey the apartment. If I were to hide a very important scroll that the Hokage assigned me, where would I put it?

My gaze flickered to the kitchen, the oven? No, only and idiot would do that. A light snore startled me and my gaze darted over to the sleeping figure of Kakashi on the couch. My breath halted completely. How did I not notice him before? Curiosity overtook my momentary shock as I tip-toed over. Would he still have his mask on when he sleeps...? To my disappointment, he does but there was a feeling in the back of my mind that the gods were protecting him. It was then I turned toward his bookshelf that I saw what I was looking for. I couldn't help but sweatdrop because of how obvious it was. But what interested me was the fact that it did glow a faint golden hue.

Briefly, my fingertips brushed the item before shoving it in the folds of my shirt. There was no time to inspect it now because I heard Kakashi stirring from a peaceful slumber, and into the world of betrayal. I opened my mouth many times to say something; but not words came out. What could I possibly say that would soothe the ache in my heart? With one last glance at the silver haired ninja I'd come to see as someone very close to me, I shut the door behind me.

Sakura blossom petals littered the pavement like snow, adding onto the beauty of the night. My hands were stuffed in my pant pockets as I continued down the road silently. Would this be the last time I get to walk through Konoha freely? It was certain that after I leave my title as a leaf shinobi will be revoked and I will be considered rouge. That was fact, or perhaps I could stage my death? Would that make it easier than leaving? It is said that absence and death are the same - only that in death there is no suffering.* Perhaps what I am doing would be worse than just simply dying, because grief would pass eventually. Betrayal is something that burrows into your heart -- your soul and festers there for the rest of your life.

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