Chapter 4

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Rosie's POV

"Rosie! Wake up!" I open my eyes that are wet from tears. "Are you okay? You where kicking and screaming." Michael says worried. "I'm fine." I say. "Can I go outside?" I ask. "Its what I do to calm myself." I add. 

"I'm gonna come with you, put on a sweatshirt." He says leaving the room, I assume to get his sweatshirt. I grab the hoodie Cole gave me, I'm already wearing the sweatpants. "Ready?" Michael says. I nod, grabbing my skateboard. 

I get on my board and ride off. I some realize Michael was running to catch up, so I stop. I put out my arm for him to hold on to, more like he's pulling me.

"What were you dreaming about?" He asks. "Sometimes, I get flashbacks of what happened. Its just feels so real, like I'm reliving it." I explain. I really trust Michael to tell him my problems. "I'm really sorry for your past but, remember its in the past. Your with us now." He says which calms me down. 

Its silent as he continues to pull me but really relaxing. I yawn which causes Michael to snap out of his thoughts. "Let 's go back." He says and pulls me the other way.


"WAKE. UP." I hear as I'm being bounced around my bed. I open my eyes to see Calum. "Your literally a child." I say rolling over. I suddenly feel arms around me, being picked up, and thrown over a shoulder. I'm then set down in my bathroom. "I hate you." I say as I close the door. "You love me." He says through the door. I open my door and flick him off. He pouts like a child as he walks away.

I brush my teeth and hair, then leaving my bathroom. I go to my closet and pick out black jean shorts, a black and white tie dye slightly cropped tank, and a darker grayish hoodie zip up. I slip on my black converse and head to my vanity. I put on a ying yang choker, a couple band bracelets, and a couple rings. 

I walk out of my room with my book bag and phone. I sit down and a bowl of cereal is placed in front of me. I thank them and pull out my phone. I open snapchat and look through my friends' stories, then Instagram liking my friends pictures then some fans, then twitter tweeting good morning and following a couple people. 

"Come on sweetie." Luke says. "Bye Ashton." I say hugging him. "Bye guys." I yell up the stairs receiving 'byes' back. Me and Luke get into the car. "Oh turn this up!" I say listening to the Green Day song.

"Bye have a good day." Luke waves dropping me off at school. I wave back and walk up to Isaac, Ethan, and Cole. "Hey! Theres my favorite girl!" Ethan says hugging me. I then get hugs from the others. 

"I do not want to go to Smiths class today, we had a sub and we were really bad and he's gonna yell so much." I explain as we walk into school. "Oh he's ruff." Isaac says. "Well, I'll be there with ya." Cole adds. 


"How was school?" Cheslie asks as I walk in the front door. Cole took me home. "Good." I say going straight to the fridge. "Where's the boys?" I ask pulling out a yogurt. "Interviews." She says. I nod. 

"Your hair would be cute with burgandy ombre." She says playing with my black hair as we sit on the couch. I pull out my phone camera and look. "That'd be cool!" I say putting my phone back. "Should we do it?" She asks. "I think the boys would love it." I joke. "Lets go!" She jumps up. 

"Do you know what your doing?" I ask before she places the bleach on me. "I dye Michaels hair all the time. I'm their goddam hair dresser." She tells me. I laugh. "Plus I'm doing mine while yours sits." 

"And.. We are done!" She says finishing blow drying my hair. "OHMYGOD! I love it!" I shout looking in the mirror. "Can you take a picture outside?" I ask. She nods. I pose with my hands in my hair. (picture above)

"Hey girls we're come!" Michael yells as he walks in the door. I run and hug him, he hugs back. "What that on your head?" He asks. "A.. bun?" I ask confused on why he's asking. "No its red." He says poking at it causing me to laugh. Chelsie pulls it out of the bun and it falls out showing the new color. "I like it." Michael says touching it. "Chelsie, really." Ashton scolds. "We were bored." She defends. "And it look greats." She points out. "Thats the only reason she's keeping it." Ashton says then hugging me. 

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