Let me In

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Chapter One

I'd been the girl in the White House my entire life. the one with the big blue door and wide white shutters. With a porch that wrapped around the entire lower half of the house. I was the girl who's family sat on that porch every Sunday for breakfast and lemonade in the evening. I was happy, until my dad had to go and fuck it up.
If you haven't already guessed, I'm not the girl in the white house anymore. Im now the girl with two divorced parents and a mom who loves moving on a little too much.

I decided to go with my mom after the divorce and she dates a lot. After every break up we move. She calls it a fresh start and I call it her avoiding some serious issues. I don't tell her that thou, I don't have the heart or the gut.

She falls in love so quickly every guy could be the one for all she knows and with every guy, it's the same thing, but she always calls them different.

My mom is lonely, I get it, but the moving part is a little excessive. Is it really that hard to face your troubles?

The sad thing is I can't say I haven't had my fair share of guys and my own set of issues. I can't pretend I'm not her. I've left a lot behind. Rule number one on my list is NO ATTACHMENTS. People try and get close to you and it's something I'd rather avoid.

When my mom and I left Ohio we left behind my cheating father and his pregnant mistress. Now I'm stuck with a two-year-old sister and a stepmother who's disgustingly nice. For the past two years, I've only been to see him three times. We barely talk on the phone, when we do I keep it short and brief. I can't seem to forgive him for tearing our family apart. I've tried to believe me I have, but I just can't do it.

I was the one who caught him cheating with his mistress, seeing it firsthand definitely makes it harder to forget. I'm assuming he forgot that I had a half-day of school and that I got home at twelve because when I got there I found them in my mother's bed.

2 Years Ago

"Dad!" My mom was at work and he was supposed to be home. "I'm home." I walked through the house looking for him. I remember needing to tell him something but for the life of me, I can't remember what. It seems so stupid to even care in light of the events that followed.

At the door, I saw a pair of shoes that weren't mine or my mom's and defiantly not dad's and a jacket that again wasn't ours. "Dad are you home!" I finally decided to check the bedroom. What I saw was not what I bargained for, nor was it anything a high schooler should witness. "What the hell are you doing?" I'd yelled. He jumped off of her like someone lit a fire under his ass. "I can't believe this." She sat up and grabbed her clothes and that's when I saw the belly. "Are you kidding me? She's pregnant! How could you do this! With this slut!"

"Hey!" He said standing up rushing putting on his pants. "Samantha that is no way to talk to a friend of mine." I giggled and then I started laughing hysterically and they both looked at me like I'd lost my mind.

"Are you high? She looks more than like a friend to me, Dad." My laughter turned into tears. "Why are you doing this, with her? Why...How are you doing this to us? To me?" I choked through sobs as they overwhelmed my body. Mouths open, eyes wide, they just stared.

Finally, she said, "I think I better go," as she moved to grab her things.

"No! You stay, I think I'm the one who needs to leave," I said. "It's obvious that I shouldn't be here, right dad. You didn't count on me being here right."

"I am your father and you will not speak to me that way Samantha."

"It's Sam and right now you don't feel like my father either. You gave up that position when I walked in on you having sex with someone who isn't mom." Then I left. 

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