Chapter Forty Seven

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We reached the studio within 10 minutes, and Joe was waiting by the door.
“You’re actually on time for once! Well done, girls – you must have finally sorted them out.” He looked at us and beckoned us inside. As we walked into the studio and towards the microphones, I realised how comfortable I already felt being recorded. Before I met the boys, my old friends were always telling me to upload videos on YouTube, but I never did. Almost immediately the boys started playing and Brad and I started singing. I saw the camera recording us and we ran the song a few times. The fifth time, though, Joe was actually smiling.
“That was perfect, guys! I think we’re done!” For the first time since I knew Joe, he seemed happy with something the boys had achieved. They seemed as shocked as me, but they were really happy as well. Connor looked like a four year old who had just got everything they wanted for Christmas. I knew exactly how he felt – being told that your performance was ‘perfect’ was one of the best feelings in the world. We spent about an hour checking and uploading the video, and we all tweeted about it. Soon it had over 1000 views, and most of the comments were good. The few that were bad were mainly complaining about me, and how ‘The Vamps are a boyband, they don’t need some stupid bitch ruining their songs!’ I tried to ignore them, and Joe looked pleased at the response so finally let us go home. As we drove home, I leant against Connor and he put his arm around me. He knew that the comments had hurt me, but he also knew not to say anything. As we reached the house, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Tristan had tweeted ‘Yes, we did choose to have @SophiaMcKenziee singing on our new cover because she’s a fantastic singer so shut up and leave her alone’ . I smiled at him and he smiled supportively back. Even if I didn’t have support from the fans, I had the support of my friends, and that meant more to me than anything else. After we had eaten dinner – which was delicious – we went to watch some TV, and we each decided on an episode of a box set to watch. I’m pretty sure everyone thought I would fall asleep really quickly, which would have been true if I wasn’t so nervous about meeting Connor’s parents, so they made me pick first. For some reason, at the back of their DVD collection, there was a Glee box set – I’ve got no idea who bought that – so I chose the first episode. The boys rolled their eyes and complained, but Harriet and Tori were happy. I put it in the DVD player and sat next to Connor. He put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. After the episode, which the boys did secretly enjoy, Con decided that the next thing we should watch was Doctor Who – one of the old ones with David Tennant and Billie Piper – and we all enjoyed that. By now it was about 10pm – usually I was asleep by now, but my stomach was sick with nerves about tomorrow. Connor had told me what he had organised at dinner: we were getting there for about 11, and we would stay for dinner. I could only pray his parents liked me.

Wild Heart - Connor Ball/The Vamps fan fiction *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now