Chapter Three

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As he walked away, Harriet ran up to me and grabbed my arm.
"Do you know who that was? That... That was Connor from The Vamps! OMG they're all over there! Go back and get your hoodie, then go and talk to him! Take me with you! I'll be normal, I promise!" Harriet said, all in one breath. I walked back to the table and put my hoodie on.
"I've just got to go and give this jacket back. We'll be back in a minute." I said to the boys, whilst Harriet dragged me over to the band's table, talking to me the whole time.
"Hey, Connor, I forgot that my friend had given me his hoodie ages ago, and I brought it with me," I noticed Connor's face fall as I said 'his'. "I've just come over with my friend to give it back. This is Harriet, she's been my best friend since primary school." I noticed one of the boys was looking at Harriet like he had never seen anyone so beautiful. She was completely star struck, and she was looking at each one in turn, her eyes resting on the one who was staring at her.
"Are you going to introduce me to your friend, Con?" The dark-haired one said, raising his eyebrows.
"Oh, sorry! Guys, this is... Sorry, you never told me your name!" Connor looked at me expectantly.
"Sophia, but most people just call me Soph." I replied quickly.
"Guys, this is Sophia. Sophia, this is Brad, Tristan and James." As he said each of the names, he pointed at the relevant boy. James was the name of the one who seemed enamoured with Harriet. As I waved to each of the boys in turn, I heard footsteps behind me, and then felt Richard's arm settle on my shoulder. Even though I was so used to him doing that, it suddenly felt out of place and awkward.
"Where did you girls get to? And who are they?" Richard said, looking angrily at the group.
"Is that your boyfriend, Sophia?" Brad said teasingly.
"No, this is my oldest friend Richard. He's like my older brother." I replied, looking at Richard. "Sorry guys. We'd better get back to Cel." Richard said, dragging me back to our table. I waved goodbye to the band and followed Richard.
"What the hell, Rich? You've probably given me a bruise!" I yelled at him as we sat down.
"What? You don't know who those people are, and I just don't want to see you get hurt!" He shouted back to me.
"God, Richard, they're really nice guys! What do you have against them?" Harriet began to back me up. The waitress came over and suddenly slammed down our desserts, making us jump. "No. We're leaving. Come on, Cel, Soph." Harriet stood up, grabbed our hands and stormed out of the door. As we stepped outside, I felt my eyes begin to mist up. Harriet put her arm around me and tried to comfort me. I fell into her arms and began to weep. I heard the door open and didn't really take any notice, until I heard Connor's velvety voice speak quietly to Harriet.

"Let me try and talk to her. Please."

Wild Heart - Connor Ball/The Vamps fan fiction *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now