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A/n- I know this will be confusing but I'll have to start switching POV's between Jasmine and Georgia💕💕


I look at myself in the mirror. My tie seemed uneven and my red jumper slanted onto my right shoulder.

I walk downstairs and my mom tuts at me

"I know it's the first day but at least look nice," She says as she adjusts my tie and angles my jumper

I look at the time; 7:43 I had 27 minutes left until school started

I grab the pancakes and bacon from the counter and prepare my equipment.

"Honey! You need to pick Jasmine up!" Mom yells

I couldn't sleep because of what happened yesterday. I'm scared that we won't be friends anymore: this is senior year for gods' sake. I need to focus on my exams

I grab my stuff and drive to school

• • • • • • •

I look at the time: 8:05. Georgia should've been here ten minutes ago

"Are you sure you don't want us to go?" Hayes asks, dangling the keys with his  middle finger

I sigh and nod

We walk into the car in silence and get out when we arrive to school.

"I called Alex to show you around school. We only have 2 or 3 lesson together but Alex had the school to give you your schedule," I say walking over to Alex

"Hey, man" Alex says as he does a bro back pat

I nod and walk over to the girls, who are near the lockers. I see Georgia and frown.

She was already here

I wave to her when she sees me but she just gives me a cold look and looks away.

The vivid memories runs back

The argument

I walk over to Avery, Rebecca and Tiana and smile

"Ciao ragazza carina!" She chimes

"Hi," I wave

"Here is your schedule just in case," Tiana says

"You got me, Bae" I say, making Georgia's head shoot up from the ground

"You call Georgia bae," Avery frowns

"Who?" I ask

Rebecca grabs my shoulders and turns me around to face Georgia, who's tears start spilling

I turn back to the girls and shrug

"You're going to Mrs Cheshire," Tiana says as she turns to the Canteen

I look at my schedule, half my classes are with Hayes and the others are with Georgia

I sigh and go to my form class then history

"Hi Hayes!" I say as I join him in the line

"Hey," He greets "You and Georgia alright?" He asks

"No," I sigh

"Well damn," He awkwardly says "me and Alex are going to the skate park, wanna come?"

"No," I say "I'll stay home and eat chips,"

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