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No one

Hayes walks into the room after school. He looks at the body.

It wasn't the same Jasmine who would make him laugh

It wasn't the same Jasmine who he'd tell advice to

It wasn't the same Jasmine who would cry on his shoulder every time she was upset or stressed

This was a different Jasmine.

A Jasmine that was laying there. Lifeless and delicate

This time, she didn't have as much tubes and wires around her. A nurse said because she is starting to breath independently on her own

Hayes just sat there. Staring at her frozen body.

"I heard that when sleeping beauty had a deep sleep, her prince kissed her and she'd wake up." He says

"But you aren't sleeping, I'm not a prince and we just thought of each other as friends. But would it kill if I tried?" He asks

Hayes leans in to kiss her cold lips

"See?" He says

He looks at the delicate body once again

"I just bare to see you like this!" He says as he runs out.

A nurse soon walks in

"Hello dear!" She says "what do you want when you wake up? Roast dinner with ice cream and waffles for dinner or lasagna with chocolate mousse?"

She brings some mashed up vegetables and spaghetti and pours in Jasmine's eating tube

"Your friend's crying in the waiting room. It's best if you wake up," She says

Social media is blowing up with the hashtag #prayforJasmine and videos on YouTube about her but three-quarters of those people had no idea who she was: Tyler Oakley, Dan and Phil, Ricegum, etc

If Jasmine knew people liked her, she would've woken up.

Jasmine had been interviewed again. This time, she was interviewed by a much harsher officer

"I know what happened between you two,"

"what happened?" Georgia asks

"You pushed Jasmine," He smirks

"I did NOT!" Georgia yells

"I-," She says then stops

"You what?" He asks again

"I did nothing," She says quietly

"You did something. Hayes told me," He says, a hint of lie in his eyes

Georgia leans closer and smirks

"What did he say then?" She asks

"He said that you deliberately pushed her over," He says

"He said that exactly?" She asks


"But Hayes wouldn't say 'deliberately' he would say on purpose. And he was skating around 50 metres away," She concluded

The interviewer looks at her, dumbfounded as she gets up and leaves

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