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In Britain, my holiday is the whole of this week so everyday, I'll be posting


The doctor gingerly touched my neck where my scar was and I squeal in pain

"I'm sorry Ms Dallas," She apologises

"No need," I sigh

I feel something sting my neck and I flinch: not trying to make things any worse

"I'm putting some antibiotics in to stop the pain," She informs me

I reply with a simple hum and then she stops

I stand up and look at mthe mirror. There was a hand-like print on both sides of my neck from where Georgia had strangled me

"The prints and pain will be gone in 2 to 4 weeks. But you're free to go," She says as she opens the door

I thank her and walk out to where Aaron was sitting.

"God! That's awful!" He yells, drawing attention to us

"Aaron! Shh," I shush him

"Sorry," He says as we walk out

"Where's Cameron?," I ask

"He's checking over the European Tour dates," He says

"Cool! Europe!" I light up "I'll miss y'all,"

We sit in silence the whole way until Aaron speaks

"To be honest, it won't be as fun, moving every 2 days to another country. It's too confusing."

"Imagine seeing everything! The Eiffel tower, Big ben, the hot sun in Spain!" I say

"We only have one day to see everything, it's not enough," Aaron says

"Be happy with what you've got, Bart paid for all this-"

"You mean the fans?" He asks

"Well.." I say

He was right. The fans pay for this

Very soon, we arrive at home. I open the door to hear Cameron and Bart talking

"I'm scared. What if Georgia escapes?" Cameron says

"If it's what you want," Bart says

"Jas will love Europe and she is pretty famous on vine," Cameron reasons

"What about the fans?" Bart asks

"What?" Cameron ask

"Won't they think that Jasmine is only coming because she's related to you?" Bart asks

"Then she can sit backstage. No biggie," Cameron says

"Then I guess she's coming to the European Tour with us then," Bart agrees

"Really!" I yell as I run in

"Yeah," Cameron smiles then stops. He looks at my neck and he sheds a tear

"I'm so sorry for being irresponsible! If I'd be a better brother, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Look at you! You went in the hospital for six days then came out. Then you came back in within 3 days!" Cameron says.

At his point, tears run down his face

"Don't cry!" I pout

Cameron looks at me then quickly wipes his tears

"You're ugly when you cry," I insult him

"And you're adopted but I'm not complaining," Cameron says

"You idiot, I saw pictures of mom giving birth to me," I say

"Ew, that's nasty," Cameron says


Should I do a new book but keep updating this one?

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