Chapter 1: The Start of it all.

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"Oh my god! Kat! He's coming! does my hair look okay?"

"Alisa, I've told you more than a million times, you look FINE"

         A sharp tone in my voice finally shut her up. Jeremy walked over and hugged us both. "Hey Kat, hey Alisa. What you both up to?" I smiled and hugged him back. Alisa started to blush red, when I blurted out, "Nothing! We were just waiting for Tony and Mary. Have you seen them?". Jeremy smiled, sending warmth up my soul. "Nope, I was looking for them too. I wonder where they're stuck this time" he chuckled. I laughed and watched Alisa's face freeze. "Hey! you two! that's not funny! you're making jokes about our best friends here, i'd stop if I were you." Jeremy and I both looked at each other directly and laughed. I calmed Alisa down and told her not to mind our playful attitude. Alisa was one of the girls who didn't get jokes, which is why she hated Tony so much. Tony was a complete joker, making jokes whenever he had the chance. I didn't get why Tony like Alisa, if they were so different, but its the same thing with Jeremy and Mary. Jeremy is a loud, annoying, rock star, while Mary is a quiet, peaceful book worm. Yet, Jeremy likes Mary, and Mary likes Tony, which makes no sense. I never thought I belonged in a group like this. I really was just a loner, me, myself, and I. The way I came in was thanks to Jeremy, and It all began like this...

            The chilly wind of winter came streaming into my face, sending chills up my spine. Mom told me she couldn't pick me up, because she was at my little brother's concert, and Dad was stuck at work, trying to deal with a long conference meeting. I was walking home, alone, in a blizzard when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, and saw a teenage guy, a little bit taller than me, shivering from the cold. His face was red and his lips were bright purple. If you ask me, he looked like he was from Alaska, or maybe Siberia. I tried speaking, but no words could come out, with the harsh, cold wind, nipping at my face. He held out his hand, and I took it immediately. He led me to a bus stop, sitting me on the bench in the small, rectangular shelter. 3 others stood there, shivering and huddling together. I opened my eyes more, and caught glimpses of each of their faces. "What were you doing out there?" My rescuer said, joining the 3 others. I shivered and replied, "w-w-walking....". One of them stepped forward, and sat down next to me. He smiled and held out his hand. "Hi, Im Tony" I shook his hand and introduced myself as well. He nodded and pointed to the rescuer, and the 2 others in the corner. "The guy who looks as red as a cherry is Jeremy, The girl over there with the red hair is Alisa, and Mary is the one with the glasses and the black hair." I stood up and shook each one's hand. After I shook hands with Jeremy, and told him my name, I thanked him for getting me out of the storm. He told a simple, yet Elegant reply, "Its fine mademoiselle, you would've frozen either or. What the hell were you thinking? Going out there and walking?". I frowned, "I was trying to walk home, since neither of my parents were available." Mary smiled and sat on the other side of me, "You should take the bus, Katherine! that way, you wont have to rely on your parents!" I nodded and thought she made a good point. The only problem was, I didn't know there was a bus. I was knew to this place. Heck, I didn't even know this barren wasteland had a school, until my mom and dad went hunting for it. "Speaking of bus," Tony interrupted my thoughts, "When is it getting here? we've been waiting for over 15 minutes. It should've been here 10 minutes ago." Alisa nodded, and looked around, trying to see any sign of the bus. "So, where does this bus go?" I asked, scooting closer to Tony, so I could soak in his warmth. "Well, it comes here, and drops us off at the GrayWall neighborhood bus station. I sighed with relief, "That's where I live!" I told them. Jeremy looked at me in shock and replied, "me too!". Mary shivered, "Alisa, Tony, and I live near there, we live in the neighborhood across from there." I thought about the neighborhood across ours and said, "Ohhh, so you must live in The Southlands?" They nodded. Finally, we saw a flash of light, and the roar of an engine. The bus was finally here. As it opened its doors, warmth penetrated down, and into our clothes, making us run right in. The doors closed, and we all sat in the back together. Tony looked at Alisa. Alisa looked at Jeremy. Jeremy looked at Mary, and Mary smiled at me. I smiled back, and rode home, not knowing that these 4 people would later become my best friends for life.

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