*one month earlier*

I jumped when someone gently pushed me and screamed in my ear, I clutched my chest gasping for air. "What the fuck"

I heard someone laugh loudly and immediately recognized it was Dinah. I glared when Dinah started cheering herself for finally scaring me. It's not that I never got scared it's that I was hard to scare. So yes, Dinah is allowed to feel a little victory after almost giving me a heart attack. Actually maybe Dinah felt a little too much proud of herself when she started dancing, it wasn't good at all. And Dinah is usually a good dancer. "Stop dancing you're embarrassing me." I huffed, crossing my arms. "Victory time is over, it was only a one time thing." Dinah giggled, grabbing my arm dragging- while not dragging just slightly pulling her to where the girls are. I just let her since I knew she was going to where the girls usually hangout.

I was just walking on the side walk, walking to the girls hangout- which was under a tree in an open field when Dinah suddenly popped out of fucking no where and decided to scare me, I swear I was ready to fight a bitch but stopped when I heard Dinah laugh.

We walked for a few more minutes then we saw the field we all went to as kids. It wasn't a secret place but a lot of people didn't know about it either. We always used to come here in the dark time and stargaze. Or have a picnic in the day when the sun is out and we'd sit under the huge tree. We would talk about the most ridiculous things. The big tree was our favourite tree out of the whole feild when we were about 8-12 we'd always climb get dirt on their clothes and get bruises and scratches from playing so recklessly. But were all grown now.

"Y/N" I heard as we arrived at the tree, it was a hot day so they were all sitting under the tree. It really was nice to sit here, you could sit here for hours and never run out of things to think of because of the beauty of the environment, everything around here always just reminded you of something.

"Camila!" You yelled back at her. I sat down next to them not caring if I get dirty or not. I sighed looking at the green grass it always reminded me of something but I didn't exactly know what. I looked at the rest of the girls seeing they were enjoying the view to.

"So y/n, are you going to the party tonight?" Lauren asked, and as she was speaking I couldn't help but look at her lips move, so plump and full. I was so tempted to kiss but I told myself no were just friends, but friends don't think about friends like this. I wanted nothing more than to feel those lips on mine, wondering if it would make me feel the way I always imagined. I sighed I liked her very much, probably more then I should, but it would never work out. Someone like her wouldn't like someone like me, plus it doesn't help that whenever I give her a compliment she always reminds me that I'm nothing but a good friends and that's okay, I'm okay admiring from afar. I gulped, forcing myself to look away from Lauren lips that I so badly wanted to kiss.

"No, maybe I'll just come back here in the night. I really don't feel good." I said completely looking away from Lauren, avoiding her gaze. It really was a stupid crush and I wish I could go back and never catch feelings for the green eyed girl, but I couldn't help notice the way her eyes glow up every time she talked about the things she loved or the way she blushed every time someone gave her a compliment or made this weird face every time she sneezed. I noticed many things about her, most people wouldn't notice. They probably would notice her eye colour or how nice her hair is or maybe even her huge ass. They would notice the things that made her attractive, but there is so much more than that.

I couldn't see but I knew Lauren nodded, I sighed laying down looking at the rays of sunshine creeping through the leaves. I laid there for the rest of the time we were there, listening to the conversations that were happening. Ally and Dinah were talking about the party. Lauren and Dinah were laying down with me. Camila was leaning back at the tree with her SnapBack covering her face, she wasn't sleeping though you could tell by the occasional hums she let out.

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