River: The crash

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"Bye guys." I say to my sister, Frosty and my nephew Ryn .

"Bye Riv." Says Milla with a hug.

"Bye Man." Frosty says and gives me a shoulder punch.

I crouch so that I'm face to face with Ryn. "Bye little dude."

"Bye uncle Riv." He says with a smile and then goes and hides behind Mil's leg. I sigh then smile and start to chase him. He screams playfully. I reach him and pick him up so that I can tickle him he drops to the floor and hugs me.

I give Milla one last hug, and open the door to leave. I step into the warm spring evening and walk to my beat up Chevy. I climb in and start it up so I can go. I think I'll go to hearts, maybe Silverstone is there. And just FYI, me and Justin are the only smart\single guys left in our little group. I turn the radio on and grimace. I quickly change the station to my favorite one and Since October is on. "Shoot!" I scream as a car swerves into my lane. I slam on the breaks but I wasn't fast enough I run into the car going 75 miles an hour.

I am thrown out of the car and land somewhere outside but I blacked out before landing.

I'm suddenly floating on clouds. I can see a girl about my age... She looks really familiar. I try to think of who she is, when I finally remember she's Frost's Ex girlfriend that was killed when Anima sent bomb-strapped zombies to the house that their group was staying in.

"Hey River," she says with a gentle smile.

"Kat? What's going on? Where am I?" I ask.

"Well there isn't an easy way to say this so I'm just gonna get it over with Fast and easy....You- You're dead. You died in the car crash. I'm sorry." She replies sadly.

"What! No. No, no, no. I can't be dead. This is a crazy freaking dream and I need to wake up now. " I rush and bang my head against my hand.

She walks toward me and pull my hand away and gives me a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry, but I'm hear to teach you how to be a witness, but in a few earth days you can choose to stay with Me, Ali's biological mother-Helen, and Emma Ali's little sister and be able to see all the slayers, or you can choose to go to the rest with your family."

Wait. What? "I-I could see caro again, but I wouldn't see milla." I say and I can feel hopeful tears trying to fight their way up. I push them down and keep my eyes trained on Kat.

" River! You have a little time to decide." She says with a giggle." 'Sides when you choose caro will be able to decide again."

"Really! Oh my -" I say.

"You can't say the G word like that here dude." She says.

"Oh, sorry. Wait does anyone know that I'm d-dead?" I ask.

"No not yet someone called 911 right after the crash, so its only a matter of time." She replies.

"Wait! What about Mill's?" I ask.

"She'll tell the other slayers then they'll call me, you, and Emma." She answers.

I just have one last question to ask her "When?"

"A few minuets at the most." She says cooly

As if on cue Kat stares of into space as if listening to someone talking to her, "Speaking of calling us here we go. Emma's already there."

"How do we- How do we get to them?"

She holds out her hand for me to take, I look up at her and she gives a little nod of encouragement, I take her hand and it feels like we're floating.

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