River: caroline

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Holy crap! I'm finally seeing her again!

"River what are you doing up here?"

"I , um, died...WAIT! now I can say Bieber killed me!" I say which makes Kat and Caro laugh.

"What?! Riv your-your dead? When? How?"

"Yesterday...Uhm I was driving home from Camilla's house and crashed and flew out the window..."... was it really just yesterday?

"You idiot!....Wait Milla has a house? How is she what's happened over the years? Is... is he still alive?"

I explain it all from the moment after caro died to the last time I saw her. Caroline's face looked like she was trying to figure something out so I asked, "What is it sis?"

"Um...nothing. Its just...do you think I could see Mills again?"

"Um..." I look towards kat who seems to be thinking it over,"Kat? Could she?"

"Well, I dont see why not but before I decide I have to ask Helen if its allowed cause I'm still learning things myself."

A moment later Helen is talking to kat and she's explaining that she can, but only for a short period of time since she isn't a witness. Caroline heard this because she is jumping around and squealing." I CAN SEE MY TWIN AGAIN!!!" Which just makes me laugh.

"Ok c'mon then let's go!" I say grabbing Kat's hand and tugging her along with us.

"Ok, ok I'm coming!" She says with a giggle.
We get to Reeve's mansion and everyone is still in the living room.

"Where's Camilla?" Caroline asks

"Right he-...Caro?" My sister says with wide eyes.

"Cami..." Caro says as tears cascade down her cheeks.

"Oh my god Riv how- how is she..."

"She wanted to see you."

"You're welcome Camilla ." Kat says with a cute laugh. Wait. Cute? What the hell is wrong with me?

"Kat? You brought her here?"

"Well we had to check to make sure we could, but yep!"



Kat?" said caroline.

"What's up?"

"C-can i hug her?"

"I-im not sure... Camilla? Can you push your spirit out of your body?"

"Yeah," with that she pushes her spirit out of her body and runs to me and Caro and hugs us.

"Oh my god! I've missed you so freaking much! I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you from him!"

"Hey it's ok, we both knew It was a matter of time anyways, but I'm here for now and I missed you so much," Caro said hugging camilla back.

We spent a couple hours together just chatting and telling stories of what's happened since Caroline died and she told stories about how it is in the rest, but eventually we had to get her back to the rest or else Kat would get in trouble.


I know its been FOREVER but ive had school and testing and stuff. i know that that isnt a good excuse but its completely true. ive also had writers block and alot of drama going on. i think ill put the drama in my greenbeans book but im not 100% sure.....ill get started on the next chapter...

love yall


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