Chapter 16: Mom Comes To Visit

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Chapter 16: Mom Comes To Visit

Ronnie and I decided to stay in the hospital room until Mason was released.

We had raised $1000 at the concert so we were now up to $4000.

We were so close to the $5000 needed.

Mason still looked the same as he did when I first saw him.

A sickly pale and tubes everywhere.

We heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" I whisper yelled.

"Hi, you have a visitor" A nurse said peeking in.

"Who?" Ronnie asked.

"Annabelle Vincent" she said.

Ronnie gave me a questioning look.

"Oh, its my mom, send her in" I said and then my mom appeared in the doorway.

"Hi mom" I said walking up to her.

"Hi, wheres Mason"

"Over there" I said.

"Oh my God, this can't be the same little boy I saw a few months ago when you came back."

"Sadly, it is" I said.

"Oh my, he looks sickly pale"

"I know" I said tears coming to my eyes.

"Oh, baby" She said opening her arms and I fell into them silently sobbing.

"I just want my little boy back" I sobbed.

"I know honey, everything will be alright."

"I know its just, I have doubt."

"Well don't honey" She said trying to soothe me.

I walked back over to Ronnie.

"Hi Mrs.Vincent" Ronnie said flashing a smile.

"Hi Ronnie, how are you doing"

"Fine I guess. Just waiting for Mason to wake."

"When do they think that'll be"

"Sometime tomorrow most likely."

"Oh wow"

"yea, their saying hes more then likely gonna wake up"

"Oh thats good, can I go see him"

Sure" Ronnie said pointing in Mason's direction.

My mom slowly approached Mason putting a hand over her mouth.

I walked up next to my mom and put a hand on her shoulder.

We both cried and then I went over to Ronnie and cried on his shoulder.

"Well, I'm going to get going" My mom said heading for the door.

"Alright, bye mom. Love you" I said giving her a hug.

"Love you love bug" My mom said giving me a hug. "Stay strong alright?" She said.

"Alright" I said giving her a smile.

"Bye" She said starting to walk down the hallway.

Once she walked out of the room I closed the door and went over to Ronnie.

I hugged him and started crying into his shirt.

"I love you Ronnie" I said.

"I love you to" He said rubbing my back.


Sorry if it sucked





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