The Shrieking Shack

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There's only two chapters left after this one everyone! Also, I have not edited this one because I am lazy and writing GoF right now...

Harry ran into the library and panted, "Professor Trelawney, just told me-" But he faltered upon seeing everyone else's faces.

"Buckbeak lost," said Ron weakly. "Hagrid's just sent this." He handed over the letter to Harry, whose face fell as h read.

"We've got to go," said Harry at once. "He can't just sit there on his own, waiting for the executioner!"

"Sunset, though," said Ron, who was staring out the window in a glazed sort of way. "We'd never be allowed... 'specially you, Harry..."

"This is bs," Elliot said. "I spent all that time researching and it's just out the window into the deepest darkest pit ever with a giant arse fire at the pit."

"If we only had the Invisibility Cloak..." Harry sighed.

"Where is it?" Hermione asked.

"What did you do to that amazing piece of cloth?" Maddy asked.

"I, er, left it in the passage with the one-eyed witch. If Snape sees me anywhere near there again, I'm in serious trouble," he finished.

"You are an idiot. Why would you not just get it out sometime when you are absolutely positive that Snape wouldn't catch you. There are lots of times like that."

"No, ignore Maddy," Hermione stated.

"That's what everyone says," Maddy sighed.

"But, Harry," Hermione continued, "it's true that if you get caught there you'll get in trouble. How do you open the witch's hump?"

"You-you tap it and say, 'Dissendium,'" said Harry. "But-" Hermione didn't wait for the rest of his sentence; she strode across the room, and disappeared from sight.

"I am not going unless you think I have the chance to make all of my not so hard work and severe suffering worth it," Elliot stated flatly.

"We're going to comfort Hagrid," Bella said. "I wish we could actually do something though."

"Not going then, too risky, the only time I've actually participated in your shenanigans I broke and twisted my arm."

"But that was with a drakon," Maddy said, "we're just going to go to Hagrid's and comfort him while he and probably Bella and Hermione cry to dehydration."

"Why just us?" Bella asked. "Why not Harry and Ron? I know you and Elliot are severely emotionally stunted-"

"That's Elliot who's the sociopath, I just despise animals and feel no remorse for them."

"Not a sociopath!" Elliot exclaimed exasperatedly. "How many times-"

"Fine, but that's not the point."

"You and Hermione are really emotional," Ron admitted.

"I'll join you guys after dinner," Hermione interrupted before Bella could argue.

Once dinner was over Maddy and Elliot -who had been dragged along- met up with Harry, Hermione, Ron and Bella in a closeby, rarely-used corridor.

"Alright," Maddy said, looking out the door, "we're going to have to go across the centre of the grounds and there aren't any shadows there so I have to get under the invisibility cloak too."

"But you can become invisible..." Ron said.

"I don't become invisible, Ronald, I pack shadows tightly around me and blend into other, pre-existing shadows, I cannot become invisible."

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