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My life is not like everyone else's. I am an unwanted child that was left at home with an empty promise of one's return. I wasn't too much of a bother to even drop me off at someone's doorstep or an orphanage. Left and alone to take care of myself with what was sent to me every other week. 

Every now and then a neighbor would show saying something along the lines of someone sending them to watch me. It was a lie. The people that come and go know that they left. That I am unwanted and do not call the police or child services. One even took me to school at least once a week. The other times I had to walk.

I was nearly kidnapped until a police man shouted and the man took off. I to ran in the opposite direction. You might think that a little girl like me must've been scared, but that wasn't the case. A rush of relief hit me that day. Someone actually wanted me, even though it was probably in a bad way. 

If I were to tell you my name would you care? A girl no less then six years old that was abandoned? Whom that had to go without eating every now and then because she could rightly fend for herself until someone showed? If so then that would be the first. 

For days that have passed I had to teach myself to fend with a little help. At first only canned foods were what I lived off of until I could reach the stove. My bedroom was moved downstairs and into the basement. Shadows scared me and the scratching off trees did not help. When it was a stormy night you would find me huddled in a corner with a flashlight and stuffed animals. 

My name is....

"Myra, can you stay for a little while?"

That is right. My name means longed for. Kinda ironic for a child that was left alone. I am seventeen years old now and at the last year of high school. I have a job waiting tables after school and cashier at a store on the weekends. Now and then I do a little of artwork to sell on the side.

"I would like to speak with you about schools."

Mr. John is a new teacher at this school. Unlike everyone else he doesn't take no for an answer. He is like a bulldog. Stubborn and seems to want something in return. I just don't know what yet. 

Turning to give him my attention I answered, "I can't. I have work in an half hour." Thank god that work was casual as long as we wore an apron.

He nodded, "Well, I would love to have that talk with your parents like we agreed to last week."

I grimaced, "I don't remember agreeing to anything sir. What I do remember is telling you to leave me alone after your constant banner." With that I left out and headed off. He would call again tonight. Jokes on him, I don't get off until ten at night.

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