Hear Me Out

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It has been a week and Mr. John hadn't brought up anything. Not even to ask for me to stay to have a word. He stopped asking about my parents and wanting to talk to them. It has me on edge that maybe he saw more into my drawing than I had believed. If so then why has he not confronted me about it? Did he want to find proof before turning it over? If so he wouldn't find anything more.

Heading to his class for the last hour seemed to go by. I don't even remember sitting down and pulling out my drawing pad. Mr. John was my math teacher and yet my sketch book was out. What was going through my head. Drawing through class would probably get me into trouble. Not to mention...

"Myra, put it up and get out your homework." Mr. John's voice boomed. He has never used his voice like that before. He had always been calm and patient with every one.

With snickers of laughter my sketch book was put away and replace with todays and next weeks homework. What can I say. If there is nothing to do then why not get a head in study hall, right. When he picked it up he was shaking his head. With a sigh continued with gathering the homework. 

There was coughing of loser and nerd. Mr. John didn't think that appropriate and told them so and gave an example of what would happen when another loser cough came.

By time the bell rung it was time to go home. Everyone rushed out leaving me and Mr. John alone. Putting my things back in my bag I prepared to go home.

Before I even made it to the crowded hallway he stopped me with one word, "Wait."

There was no use in walking away. He knew where I lived and had my number.

"I know you are mad at me for snooping and entering into your art room. I truly am sorry for that."

Why was he doing this again? Was he getting at something?

"Would you face me when I'm talking to you?"

That was reasonable and I could give him that. Facing him was easy and no harm would come from it. His eyes held sadness and frustration.

"Even though I say I'm sorry I don't regret what I have done. You are a talented student and..."

I interrupted him right there. "I am not going through this again. You can bug my parents and leave messages but my answer is the same. I don't need a professor telling me what to draw." With that I ran out the schools back door.

What was it with the guy. I don't need someone to guide me. I've been doing well on my own.

Now I can only look after myself. Even if my parents show back up. They don't want me anyway. If they did they wouldn't have ditched me and made up a lie.

Running home blind with tears wasn't smart but unavoidable. Cars nearly ran me down and pedestrians weren't very happy. Except one.

A guy I've noticed helping Mr. John out at school. A brother I believe. Just before my street he grabbed my left arm and yanked me to him before I became a pancake.

After that he followed me home. Didn't leave me alone even when I told him to. His answer to that was similar to his brother. One that proved to be a gentleman and yet authoritative in the same. 

What these men need to get through their heads is this. It isn't the 18th century where women willingly submit. It is a new era and we can be independent just like them. Science has proved that women mature faster.

What I did was push him outside the door and locked it. Every window was cover and locked as well. "Just go home." I spoke through the door. "

"I'm not leaving until I know you are alright."

I smirked, "Be my guest but I'm not letting you in. It's closing day. Come back on Saturday. I'll be open then."

I heard a huff and then a moment of silence. It was until a few minutes passed I heard whispered voice. It was him but no one else. He must be on a cell.

Looking through the peephole I saw he was. His back to me and nodding to whatever was being said. Not caring I went up stairs and drew to my heart's content until sleep engulfed me. That night my dreams seemed real. They were there and laughing with me like nothing happened.

.......next day

I opened my door and was met with a surprise. It was Mr. John and his brother. Both were dressed and ready for the day, but not for school. Mr. John wasn't in his usual suit and tie. He was wearing casual clothing. Jeans, a rock shirt, and black and white sneakers. His brother was dressed similarly but with a black t-shirt and white sneakers. 

"Why are the two of you here? What about school?"

Mr. John raised an eyebrow, "There is no school today because of PTA. I left a message on your parents cell. Then again it was probably added to the others I've sent in the past."

Was he making fun of me. "Kay, that doesn't answer as to why you are here?" I crossed my arms and but my weight to one leg. Mr. John slumped his back and exaggeration and his brother rolled his eyes.

"Why indeed, brother, are we here?" When he spoke it was soft and nearly missable if not standing close to. 

"Ryan, if you don't wish to be here you know you can just leave." Mr. John said without leaving eye contact with me. "Plus it was you who wanted to come in the first place."

I looked over to Ryan and saw him turn away. This is getting ridiculous. Will they ever leave me alone? The answer to that question is right before my eyes as the two brother go on and on. I just don't bother to listen as I realize I'm stuck with them.

"Would you two stop and tell me why you are here?" I am a very impatient girl when it comes to talking. I like to get right to the point. "If you continue to talk amongst yourselves then I will gladly shut the door."

Turning to face me they apologized. Then asked to enter and have a chat with me. I don't know about any of you but when two men want to enter I'll be more than happy.... to turn them down.   

"I just need to talk to you Myra. It will only take but a moment of your time."

My eyes narrowed, "I've told you Mr. John you won't change my mind. What I do is not taught but learned. No school will give me that. They teach but I taught myself." My school is very well known. Actually it was one of those schools that only a few cared. 

Some teachers weren't even qualified to teach and you had to do it yourself. The only one that actually did anything were Mr. John and two others. Even the principal didn't care for anything but new things. He used school money to add on to the gym instead of buying new text books for us. The ones we have are out dated and very little that we need to share. 

"Don't deny it either. You just trying..."

"Would you hear me out. You are a bright student. I know that most don't care at the school. Why do you think I joined in the first place? Students need a guiding hand not one that degrades you at every turn." Mr. John was nearly shouting. "At least at college you have a chance to learn things that you have never learned here. You might even hear things that weren't on the internet or in those ripped books."

A smile slithered across my face. Not one word that came from my mouth was filtered through my mind. Every word that left me was out of pure annoyance. Who was this guy? Only seven years older and he thinks he gets me? Wrong. There is so much that he doesn't get but now will. So much that he didn't know that was going on behind everyone's back.

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